Friday, April 18, 2008

Wake up..

To those Malaysians who still in sweet dream pls wake up and see our country, especially to those who keep support BN..

Izzit Malaysia nowdays is developing?! Malaysia is a democratic country and izzit really we have freedom to know, to speak or to listen?! No matter which states we stay in Malaysia we still hear a lot of misuse authority and corruption..

When 2004 election we give a strong mandate to BN with over 90% majority and causing them to be more arrogant too threathen us! Then after 2008 election we can see they start to pretend to be good with us..

Our country is in deep critical for those new generation pls wake up to strengthening our country by choosing a government that can secure our safety and for the sake of the next generation to come.. What seed we plant what fruit we bear!!

I urge those Malays who have been so loyalty to UMNO, pls wake up see clearly what happen now dont be manipulate by BN.. For those Chinese and Indian who always support MCA and MIC to watch Pakatan Rakyat see how good they manage their states and how good they treat their ppl in their states and various benefits they now get..

Although we are nothing and small but what we can do is joining the Pakatan Rakyat to strengthening them and vote them and also we can tell everyone around us share with them the situation because many ppl still dont know the truth had happen now because nowadays media is strictly control by BN..

We want a truely peace and democratic country..

Charlsen Ming

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