Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep Go Perak..

I am very happy that Pakatan can hold their assembly meeting in the raintree, no authority can able to stop their fire which come from the power of rakyat.. Its no shameful like what UMNO said, its will just make we feel more touching=)

Buddhist founder Siddartha also meditate in a bodhi tree before becoming buddha and understanding the Noble Eightfold Path=) What shames they held meeting in a raintree?!

Shames is everytime I see the smart confident face of the 2 corrupted frog in BN conference, frankly speak it really make me wanna vomit.. Izzit I heard wrong that they previously said they become independent and support BN from behind? Kononnya they said they jump over is for Perakians sake, I didnt see and feel any sake they bring since they being buy.. Izzit any benefit bring to the ppl of Perak? Ya its true there is benefits, benefits all flow go to their own poket!

The way to solute all dispute in Perak affairs is to have a whole fresh by election, every people know this and its very simple even a kids just learning maths also know to solve this.. Dato Najib also know but they BN wont have guts to take this risk, because if Pakatan having a new fresh election the result will again extreme shocking to them, Pakatan no big win I promise I quit, I quit in every matter about the politics=)

How can the wiseful Sultan Perak dunno this, I confident he knows election is the best way but he has the reason behind and many ppl will assume and know the reason..
And we dont need to talk more about him anymore, if not we will be blaming derhaka by those clown UMNO supporter lead by Hishammudin, they forget the said natang to Sultan Terrenganu?!=(

Actually I no worry much since the day I heard from radio Najib success takeover the Perak when driving car because I confirm the government will fall back to the hand of ppl. I believe the power are in the hand of rakyat nor King or Prime Minister because we are a democratic country=)

Just read this quotes frm Martin Luther Junior..

"Riots are the voices of the unheard".

I hope Barisan Nasional and Perak Ruling King will read this, if there is no fresh election the situation in Perak will be more mess and we will nvr see peace but just riots and chaos also states and whole country wont gain any benefits in this time especially now whole earth are facing economics crisis!!! BN cant just simple buying the ppl to takeover the government because this will only make we all rakyat more mad and insane, the situation are different from what the BN said to DSAI because rakyat are just only want Pakatan only now and forbid buy buy..

Just need pray and God will knows.. I confident, confident the end sure Pakatan will take back.. Rakyat now are owning

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