Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Below $90..

I feel suprise and excited when looking the price of crude oil keep falling now drop below $90 per barrel=) But think twice there's not to happy bcos although it already drop till so cheap but our government wont let us buy so cheap petrol it will drop maybe 5 sen or just 10sen only.. Remember last election when the Barisan government failed to protect their 2/3 parliement seat they revenge it back to rakyat with rising the fuel price 70sen?! We noneed listen and care what media interview with those who call themself professional because they have no guts to talk the truth through media they normally are just and utensils..

Now Sharir Ahmad and Pak Lah keep urge everyone to drop their price but who listen them? Inside Barisan ppl also not respect Barisan leader do u thinks those rakyat will listen what Pak Lah talk?! If them Barisan leader are caring us they wont rise the petrol price so high causing everything we purchase also skyrocketing high rise.. The inflation we felt at the 1st is not through pressure frm worldwide or America but through the mismanagement frm our ruling government Barisan!!

I duno why media everyday said that Pak Lah transition to Najib news, the problem wont solve if like this the problem only will solve when transition power between Pakatan and Barisan.. AGree?!

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