Nampaknya parti PPP tak dapat raih popularitinya balik malah kawan baik Utusan juga melaporkan berita buruk dan busuk tentang parti PPP ini zzz.. Mereka ingat mereka benar macam SAPP yang fikir dan juang demi rakyat!!!
Nak keluar keluar la bukan sahaja PM dan orang BN tetapi ramai penyokong Pakatan juga kata keluarlah kalau ada biji=P, tapi jangan harap boleh dapat apa kebaikan jika keluar tak keluar mungkin boleh jadi kerajaan lagi tau kata Tun Mahathir dan juga jangan harap PPP akan dapat apa habuan dari Pakatan krn PPP kalao join Pakatan apa guna?
Semua orang bukan tak tahu PPP pada pilihanraya telah kalah hingga dekat pupus, kalau join Pakatan macam mana ada duduk untuk mereka dan orang macam ini tak setia adakah kita boleh percayai mereka akan setia Pakatan jika join?
Kalau nak jadi parti bebas saya tak berpendapat M kayeas akan buat begitu kerana semua orang tahu M Kayeas ini adalah hao lian (sombong) kalau tak ada kuasa macam mana nak hao lian?
Ini parti PPP dan Gerakan dari lama lagi both 2 ini memang suka main 1 2 sekarang ketua Gerakan dah diam selepas muka handsome tu dikoyak oleh orang maka adik dia Kayeas pula bising haizz memang susah nak jaga anak anak komponen BN ini..
Marilah kiata saksi klip video lama semasa zaman kegemilangan BN dan PPP=)
Selamat Menonton Pemimpin BN Malaysia!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Kuala Terrenganu = PAS
Bagi pendapat saya memang tak perlu mengadakan pilihanraya kecil di Kuala Terrenganu kerana ini memang amat membazirkan sumber wang dan masa bagi semua parti dan ahli ahli mereka yang terlibat, ini kerana dalam pilihan raya umum ke-12 Mac lalu, Allahyarham Razali yang mewakili Barisan Nasional (BN) memperoleh 32,562 undi menewaskan Naib Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu (31,562 undi) dan calon Bebas,Maimon Yusof, 89, (685 undi).
Datuk Mohamad Sabu hanya kalah pada majoriti undi yang tipis sahaja ini pun kerana muncul seorang makcik, dan sehingga kini Makcik Maimon telah memberi tahu bahawa beliau tidak akan menyertai pilihan kali ini kerana tidak mempunyai sponsor=) Tak mungkin calon bebas dapat menang dalam pilihanraya kali ini krn biasanya pilihanraya kecil akan dilibat oleh seluruh jentera sesuatu parti..
Pimpinan BN pilihanraya Ogos lalu Ketua Dato Najib telah kalah teruk di Permatang Pauh kali ini dia akan cuba sedaya upaya memberi tentangan yang hebat untuk menebus balik namanya sebagai bakal pemimpin, manakala Pakatan rakyat juga akan memberi tentangan yang hebat utk memastikan mereka akan menang majoriti kali ini=)
Oleh itu tak mungkin pihak ketiga atau calon bebas akan menang dlm piliharaya kecil kali ia hanya akan memisahkan undi undi, jikalau penyokong adalah seorang Umno maka ia hanya akan memisahkan undi UMNO.. Baik jangan bazir wang deposit dan masa bagi calon calon bebas haha!!!
Penganti BN adalah orang baru dan kurang perpengalaman seperti Datuk Razali ataupun Datuk Mohamad Sabu, malah kemenangan BN dikawasan situ Mac lalu adalah kerana majority orang Cina disana takut utk mengundi Pas tetapi pekara tidak sama pada masa sekarang selepas pembentukan Pakatan.. Rakyat Cina telah tidak takut untuk undi Pas lagi dan mereka kebanyakan juga takkan undi BN lagi kerana selama ini Umno hanya mengamalkan politik perkauman dan banyak meyekat kaum Cina dgn pelbagai cara, sekarang rakyat Cina telah tahu bahawa mereka berhak dan mempunyai kuasa utk mengubah kerajaan oleh itu tentu mereka akan undi Pakatan=) kecuali rasuah dan orang orang MCA hanya akan mengundi BN lah haha=(
Jangan beri satu undi pun kepada BN, biarlah kita senyum, puji muji dan berpeluk peluk dgn orang orang BN tetapi jgn beri mereka satu undi pun=P Mereka takkan tahu siapa yg undi atau tidak undi.. Ingat dihati ini!!
Walaupun amat berkemungkinan Pas akan menang tetapi kita jangan lalai mungkin gejala rasuah akan berlaku sekali lagi, oleh itu biarlah kita berhati hati jgn biar undi hantu datang semasa hari pengundian=) Moga rakyat disana akan bersatu padu macam pilihanraya kecil Ogos yang lepas, menang dgn majoriti yang besar satu kali lagi beritahu kita tidak mahu diperintah oleh BN lagi..
Kali ini jika BN kalah maka ia bermaksud masa kegemilangan BN memang dah berlalu, kalah bukan disebabkan oleh Pakatan ataupun Datuk Seri Anwar tetapi kalah disebabkan penindasan mereka terhadap rakyat selama ini sehinggakan rakyat berani bangkit menentang=) Kalah disebabkan masa dah lalu dan peluang yang telah berkali kali kita beri dah pun telah habis kita beri zz..
Oleh itu kita harus beritahu kawan kita di Terengganu mahu sokong boleh sokong tetapi jangan undi mereka BN semasa pengundian.. Mereka walaupun telah bangun dari tidur tetapi masih belum sedar!!!!
Hidup Pakatan hidup hidup=) Harap semua orang akan menlancarkan misi "Undi utk Barisan demi Wawasan 3030" iaitu negara tidak akan capai kemajuan yang dijangka seperti Wawasan 2020..
Datuk Mohamad Sabu hanya kalah pada majoriti undi yang tipis sahaja ini pun kerana muncul seorang makcik, dan sehingga kini Makcik Maimon telah memberi tahu bahawa beliau tidak akan menyertai pilihan kali ini kerana tidak mempunyai sponsor=) Tak mungkin calon bebas dapat menang dalam pilihanraya kali ini krn biasanya pilihanraya kecil akan dilibat oleh seluruh jentera sesuatu parti..
Pimpinan BN pilihanraya Ogos lalu Ketua Dato Najib telah kalah teruk di Permatang Pauh kali ini dia akan cuba sedaya upaya memberi tentangan yang hebat untuk menebus balik namanya sebagai bakal pemimpin, manakala Pakatan rakyat juga akan memberi tentangan yang hebat utk memastikan mereka akan menang majoriti kali ini=)
Oleh itu tak mungkin pihak ketiga atau calon bebas akan menang dlm piliharaya kecil kali ia hanya akan memisahkan undi undi, jikalau penyokong adalah seorang Umno maka ia hanya akan memisahkan undi UMNO.. Baik jangan bazir wang deposit dan masa bagi calon calon bebas haha!!!
Penganti BN adalah orang baru dan kurang perpengalaman seperti Datuk Razali ataupun Datuk Mohamad Sabu, malah kemenangan BN dikawasan situ Mac lalu adalah kerana majority orang Cina disana takut utk mengundi Pas tetapi pekara tidak sama pada masa sekarang selepas pembentukan Pakatan.. Rakyat Cina telah tidak takut untuk undi Pas lagi dan mereka kebanyakan juga takkan undi BN lagi kerana selama ini Umno hanya mengamalkan politik perkauman dan banyak meyekat kaum Cina dgn pelbagai cara, sekarang rakyat Cina telah tahu bahawa mereka berhak dan mempunyai kuasa utk mengubah kerajaan oleh itu tentu mereka akan undi Pakatan=) kecuali rasuah dan orang orang MCA hanya akan mengundi BN lah haha=(
Jangan beri satu undi pun kepada BN, biarlah kita senyum, puji muji dan berpeluk peluk dgn orang orang BN tetapi jgn beri mereka satu undi pun=P Mereka takkan tahu siapa yg undi atau tidak undi.. Ingat dihati ini!!
Walaupun amat berkemungkinan Pas akan menang tetapi kita jangan lalai mungkin gejala rasuah akan berlaku sekali lagi, oleh itu biarlah kita berhati hati jgn biar undi hantu datang semasa hari pengundian=) Moga rakyat disana akan bersatu padu macam pilihanraya kecil Ogos yang lepas, menang dgn majoriti yang besar satu kali lagi beritahu kita tidak mahu diperintah oleh BN lagi..
Kali ini jika BN kalah maka ia bermaksud masa kegemilangan BN memang dah berlalu, kalah bukan disebabkan oleh Pakatan ataupun Datuk Seri Anwar tetapi kalah disebabkan penindasan mereka terhadap rakyat selama ini sehinggakan rakyat berani bangkit menentang=) Kalah disebabkan masa dah lalu dan peluang yang telah berkali kali kita beri dah pun telah habis kita beri zz..
Oleh itu kita harus beritahu kawan kita di Terengganu mahu sokong boleh sokong tetapi jangan undi mereka BN semasa pengundian.. Mereka walaupun telah bangun dari tidur tetapi masih belum sedar!!!!
Hidup Pakatan hidup hidup=) Harap semua orang akan menlancarkan misi "Undi utk Barisan demi Wawasan 3030" iaitu negara tidak akan capai kemajuan yang dijangka seperti Wawasan 2020..
Ular ular dalam BN
Kini dalam berita hari hari kita akan nampak banyak ketua parti komponen BN telah pun menyuarakan bahawa mereka bantah ISA dan mempertikaikan tentang Ketuanan Melayu untuk apa?
Hairan jika benar mereka begitu kasih pada rakyat kenapa pada 10-20 tahun lepas mereka tak buat begitu?
Itu memang senang sahaja tujuan mereka adalah harap moga akan menaikkan popularity mereka.. Saya tak rasa rakyat akan ditipu oleh lakonan mereka kini=)
Semuanya adalah ular yg berkepala dua hanya tahu mengambil kesempatan semasa huru hara!! Adakah orang sebegini benar benar layak memimpin kita?!! Dgn kononnya mereka ingin mengugut UMNO tetapi jika mereka diusir keluar apakah mereka dapat? Dapatkah mereka menjadi kerajaan jika tidak bersatu dgn BN adakah mereka akan tinggalkan BN.. Tidak..
Walaupun saya penyokong Pakatan tetapi saya benci melihat ketua ketua komponen BN ini yg keji dan tidak setia!! Sepatutnya mereka pada masa ini haruslah bersatu padu dgn ketua komponen mereka iaitu UMNO untuk menghadapi cabaran dan rintangan dan bukanlah mengugut dan menfitnah antara satu sama lain..
Adakah mereka benar ingin menjaga kepentingan rakyat dan berjuang dgn rakyat yg susah? Jikalau benar adakah mereka akan menjadi parti kecil di dalam Pakatan? Kebanyakan yang suara bantah semuanya adalah parti yg kalah teruk.. Tolong insaflah jikalau tidak tahu insaf biar kosongkan tempat mereka berikan peluang kepada generasi baru untuk berjasa pada rakyat!!! Senang saje
Hairan jika benar mereka begitu kasih pada rakyat kenapa pada 10-20 tahun lepas mereka tak buat begitu?
Itu memang senang sahaja tujuan mereka adalah harap moga akan menaikkan popularity mereka.. Saya tak rasa rakyat akan ditipu oleh lakonan mereka kini=)
Semuanya adalah ular yg berkepala dua hanya tahu mengambil kesempatan semasa huru hara!! Adakah orang sebegini benar benar layak memimpin kita?!! Dgn kononnya mereka ingin mengugut UMNO tetapi jika mereka diusir keluar apakah mereka dapat? Dapatkah mereka menjadi kerajaan jika tidak bersatu dgn BN adakah mereka akan tinggalkan BN.. Tidak..
Walaupun saya penyokong Pakatan tetapi saya benci melihat ketua ketua komponen BN ini yg keji dan tidak setia!! Sepatutnya mereka pada masa ini haruslah bersatu padu dgn ketua komponen mereka iaitu UMNO untuk menghadapi cabaran dan rintangan dan bukanlah mengugut dan menfitnah antara satu sama lain..
Adakah mereka benar ingin menjaga kepentingan rakyat dan berjuang dgn rakyat yg susah? Jikalau benar adakah mereka akan menjadi parti kecil di dalam Pakatan? Kebanyakan yang suara bantah semuanya adalah parti yg kalah teruk.. Tolong insaflah jikalau tidak tahu insaf biar kosongkan tempat mereka berikan peluang kepada generasi baru untuk berjasa pada rakyat!!! Senang saje
Friday, November 21, 2008
Malaysia Economy
I not understand why our Finance Minister always telling us that Malaysia are not affected by economy crisis, izzit Dato Najib are really a Finance and Economy genius?! NO.. I understand it is not good to condemning my country economy but izzit better Najib do more precaution move less lies so that the economy loses causing us will not be so great rather then always telling media " NO Malaysia are still very good didnt affect by ecomy crisis'.. Everytime I listen he said this I feel wanna vomit!!
Actually Malaysia really affected from the economy crisis happening now there are impossible not being affected see those petrol and oil palm price now izzit very cheap?! More simply the price we eat rice and the money we shopping izzit more than the begin of this years?!
Zzz those Barisan Minister always are behaviour like that arrogance izzit they thought they really are genius in this world and those all american and western economy and finacial expert all not so great compare with them Zzz..
I hope my country minister can be a little humble so that dont always boasting out saying our economy are great nothing affected by the market.. Pls la wei dont always cheat us can?!
Actually Malaysia really affected from the economy crisis happening now there are impossible not being affected see those petrol and oil palm price now izzit very cheap?! More simply the price we eat rice and the money we shopping izzit more than the begin of this years?!
Zzz those Barisan Minister always are behaviour like that arrogance izzit they thought they really are genius in this world and those all american and western economy and finacial expert all not so great compare with them Zzz..
I hope my country minister can be a little humble so that dont always boasting out saying our economy are great nothing affected by the market.. Pls la wei dont always cheat us can?!
Why Petrol still so expensive?!
Why petrol we everday use to pump our car and motorcycles still so expensive?! Isnt that world crude oil price now are just $48?! Again and again I couldnt understand how BArisan minister calculate, I know they need to minus and deduct those silly act of giving rebate out but why still the chargging us so expensive zzz..
By the tactic of beggering us 15cent then in the future our government can simply rise the fuel price in any time with a good excuse telling us see the world crude oil are rising so they government need to rise with a unfair price..
Malaysian actually get what benefit of the rare natural resources given to Malaysia? Nothing.. The petrol are fully occupied by government and those income money spend actually to building road and building izzit really benefit rakyat? Answer are not really because all those money will being filtering(corruption) by many level of ppl then those material there normally buying will be much expensive then market price are selling, the reason is normally those company involving with governement project are those cronies..
So next time no ppl can complain that government rise the petrol because they can simply say we are following the world market but the fact they following also are no accurate=(
By the tactic of beggering us 15cent then in the future our government can simply rise the fuel price in any time with a good excuse telling us see the world crude oil are rising so they government need to rise with a unfair price..
Malaysian actually get what benefit of the rare natural resources given to Malaysia? Nothing.. The petrol are fully occupied by government and those income money spend actually to building road and building izzit really benefit rakyat? Answer are not really because all those money will being filtering(corruption) by many level of ppl then those material there normally buying will be much expensive then market price are selling, the reason is normally those company involving with governement project are those cronies..
So next time no ppl can complain that government rise the petrol because they can simply say we are following the world market but the fact they following also are no accurate=(
This month till next month I really will be very busy to posting zz because lack of time to online.. Plus my sister wedding are coming soon need to decorate and cleaning whole house and plan those invitation and buffet=) Even the time of online gaming also less haiz=(
But I am glad to do all this because this time is my family 1st sister marry=) Must do it good good haha!!!
Everday I read news I sure have many dissatisfied of silly mismanagement and unequally in what happening in our country, seemingly the recently 316 election wave incident never teaching those Barisan a lesson to be remembered and many of them are still corrupt, misuse authority, arrogance, racism, hipocrite, treathening rakyat and etcccccc!!!!
I am positive situation keep going like this the Sarawak maybe have highly possiblity to taken by Pakatan in the 2010=) If that happen the we can sure mandate given to Barisan by rakyat are ending.. Congratulate to Dato Anwar to lead 15000 ppl joining PKR, I really happy to see his succces!!!
Hope God will protect him and he will always be healthy so that can lead Malaysia out from the dawn to the shining days with full hope=)
But I am glad to do all this because this time is my family 1st sister marry=) Must do it good good haha!!!
Everday I read news I sure have many dissatisfied of silly mismanagement and unequally in what happening in our country, seemingly the recently 316 election wave incident never teaching those Barisan a lesson to be remembered and many of them are still corrupt, misuse authority, arrogance, racism, hipocrite, treathening rakyat and etcccccc!!!!
I am positive situation keep going like this the Sarawak maybe have highly possiblity to taken by Pakatan in the 2010=) If that happen the we can sure mandate given to Barisan by rakyat are ending.. Congratulate to Dato Anwar to lead 15000 ppl joining PKR, I really happy to see his succces!!!
Hope God will protect him and he will always be healthy so that can lead Malaysia out from the dawn to the shining days with full hope=)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Taliban harus dikenakan hukuman!!!
Saya memang sedih setelah membaca berita bahawa seorang petani yg tdk berdosa dicungkil mata oleh sekumpulan penganas Taliban di wilayah Helmand.. Bukan sahaja itu mrk melakukan tindakan kejam yg tdk berperikemanusian dihadapan anak anak dan isteri petani yg malang itu!!!
Biasa mereka membunuh dan merogol ramai orang yang tidak berdosa seperti para petani, kanak-kanak dan wanita kerana menuduh mereka terlibat dalam kerja kerja perisikan. Pada masa dulu dengarnya moyang Taliban mengasas Taliban krn ingin menyelamatkan seorang gadis yg dirogol oleh penganas tetapi kini apa mereka jadi?!
Yg saya hairan kali ini mereka bertindak kejam terhadap seorang petani miskin yang tidak berdosa pula.. Mrk boleh bunuh dan dera dan seksa siapa siapa saja jika mrk syaki ataupun dgn alasan syaki sama serba seperti akta Ikut Suka Aku, asalkan disyaki kamu habislah!!
Bukan sahaja itu kononnya yg digelar pejuang Taliban sebelum ini pernah memancung kepala serta memotong telinga dan hidung ramai ramai penduduk yang dituduh menjadi tali barut kerajaan. Harap harap mrk yg lakukan kejam itu diterima balasan 10x ganda apa yg mrk lakukan itu=)
Ini bukan fitnah Taliban memang adalah penganas oleh itu saya berharap orang yg sokong Taliban insaflah krn ada segenlintir orang masih suka dgn konon yg digelar pejuang itu, saya juga pernah lihat cara mereka potong kepala manusia yg hidup hidup dgn pisau kommando mrk itu dalam video handphone Zzz..
Biasa mereka membunuh dan merogol ramai orang yang tidak berdosa seperti para petani, kanak-kanak dan wanita kerana menuduh mereka terlibat dalam kerja kerja perisikan. Pada masa dulu dengarnya moyang Taliban mengasas Taliban krn ingin menyelamatkan seorang gadis yg dirogol oleh penganas tetapi kini apa mereka jadi?!
Yg saya hairan kali ini mereka bertindak kejam terhadap seorang petani miskin yang tidak berdosa pula.. Mrk boleh bunuh dan dera dan seksa siapa siapa saja jika mrk syaki ataupun dgn alasan syaki sama serba seperti akta Ikut Suka Aku, asalkan disyaki kamu habislah!!
Bukan sahaja itu kononnya yg digelar pejuang Taliban sebelum ini pernah memancung kepala serta memotong telinga dan hidung ramai ramai penduduk yang dituduh menjadi tali barut kerajaan. Harap harap mrk yg lakukan kejam itu diterima balasan 10x ganda apa yg mrk lakukan itu=)
Ini bukan fitnah Taliban memang adalah penganas oleh itu saya berharap orang yg sokong Taliban insaflah krn ada segenlintir orang masih suka dgn konon yg digelar pejuang itu, saya juga pernah lihat cara mereka potong kepala manusia yg hidup hidup dgn pisau kommando mrk itu dalam video handphone Zzz..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
HaPPy DeePaVaLi..
Happy celebrating Deepavali Eve to every Indians in Malaysia.. Hope those who need to exam forget about the subject and books then just be happy and merry=) Actually every years since I am study in secondary, we all frens include teachr ad notice that Indians community are very pity bcos the most important exam will sure fall the date near and between Deepavali
Forget those sad and unequal happening especially about Hindraf matter bcos after Pakatan take over the government everything will be solve with we will see transparency, equalityn fair, justice and peace..
Selamat menyambut Hari Deepavali!!!!!
Forget those sad and unequal happening especially about Hindraf matter bcos after Pakatan take over the government everything will be solve with we will see transparency, equalityn fair, justice and peace..
Selamat menyambut Hari Deepavali!!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Betapa Jelasnya Korup Dlm UMNO Kata Bekas PM TUN Mahathir
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at October 24, 2008 5:54 PM
1. Saya mendapat banyak laporan berkenaan dengan politik wang dalam UMNO. Demikianlah keadaan sehingga Dato Seri Dr Rais Yatim mencadang secara sinis supaya jawatan-jawatan Majlis Tertinggi ditender. Dato Seri Shahidan Kassim amat marah dan akan tender sebanyak RM1 untuk Rais. Bila makan cili rasa pedas.
2. Saya diberi tahu wang banyak digunakan. Dahulu cuma ketua pemuda bahagian sahaja dapat. Ini menyebabkan pemegang jawatan lain dalam pergerakan enggan bekerjasama. Sekarang semua mendapat sogokan dan hasilnya amat memuaskan bagi penyogok.
3. Ketua-ketua Bahagian dan ahli jawatankuasa juga dijemput ke Kuala Lumpur untuk berjumpa orang tertentu. Mereka di arah supaya mencalonkan orang-orang tertentu untuk Timbalan Presiden, Naib Presiden dan ahli Majlis Tertinggi. Juga pencalonan Ketua Pemuda. Berkesan atau tidak akan kita lihat daripada pencalonan yang dibuat.
4. Tetapi cawangan dan ahli biasa pun sudah pandai. Mereka menawarkan sokongan mereka jika sekian-sekian banyak dihulur.
5. Mereka yang menang boleh jadi Yang Berhormat, ahli Exco, Menteri, Timbalan Menteri, Setiausaha Parlimen, pengerusi syarikat-syarikat Kerajaan dan juga dapat kontrak berjuta Ringgit.
6. Ahli biasa yang memberi sokongan dengan undi mereka dapat apa? Dengan kesedaran akan soal ini maka penyokong dan pengundi pula berpendapat mereka juga harus dapat nikmat daripada pemberian undi mereka. Maka mereka akan menunggu sogokan sebelum memberi undi mereka.
7. Amalan rasuah dalam UMNO di semua peringkat sudah menjadi buah mulut orang ramai. Mereka jelek dan muak dengan UMNO, orang UMNO dan pemimpin UMNO. Perasaan benci kepada UMNO sebagai parti yang tidak bermoral merebak ke merata-rata tempat.
8. Orang ramai melihat UMNO sebagai parti pimpinan orang-orang yang berkepentingan diri semata-mata. Dari cawangan sehinggalah kepada pucuk pimpinan yang diutamakan ialah jawatan dan peluang memain kuasa dan buat duit apabila memegang jawatan.
9. Dalam pilihanraya umum 2004, rakyat memberi sokongan padu kepada BN. Ini adalah kerana rakyat percaya benar yang kepimpinan baru UMNO dan Barisan Nasional akan menjadi lebih baik daripada yang terdahulu.
10. Antara 2004 dengan 2008 mereka dapat lihat pemerintahan Abdullah dengan rasuah yang berleluasa dan keruntuhan ekonomi. Mereka juga lihat peranan yang dimainkan oleh keluarganya dan kroni mereka dan juga sikap ahli-ahli kabinet. Apa yang mereka lihat meyakinkan mereka bahawa pemerintahan ini tidak baik. Hasilnya ialah keputusan pilihanraya ke-12.
11. Mereka kecewa bahawa Abdullah bukan sahaja tidak membetulkan keadaan tetapi sebaliknya menafikan kekalahan dan penolakan oleh pengundi, termasuk yang terdiri daripada ahli-ahli dan penyokong UMNO dan lain-lain parti komponen.
12. Saya percaya orang ramai amat kecewa melihat mainan wang dalam UMNO sekarang. Wang akan mengalir dengan banyak dan laju semasa dan selepas pencalonan. Rumah terbuka oleh kementerian sedang diadakan dengan menggunakan duit Kementerian. Semasa rumah terbuka kempen untuk pencalonan diadakan.
13. Menjelang pemilihan bulan Mac 2009 lebih banyak lagi acara dan sogokan boleh diadakan. Kemuncak akan tiba apabila wakil ke Mesyuarat Agong tiba di Kuala Lumpur untuk bersidang.
14. Kata orang melihat kepada jawatan-jawatan yang dipertandingkan tiap seorang wakil boleh dapat hingga RM20,000.
15. Ada yang berpendapat tidak apa menerima sogokan tetapi tidak semestinya mengundi penyogok. Jangan percaya iman penerima begitu kuat sehingga tidak merasa terhutang budi. Lagipun duit yang diterima adalah duit haram. Yang menerima akan menanggung dosa.
16. Terimalah. Pedulikan jika semua orang tahu. Apa salahnya. Dosa, dosalah. Tetapi seperti disebut di atas apabila pengundi pilihanraya umum sudah benci dan bosan dengan UMNO mereka akan undi parti lawan untuk kalahkan UMNO. Selepas kalah tidak ada lagi jawatan Perdana Menteri, Menteri dan lain-lain. Tidak akan ada lagi kontrak, AP dan lesen.Tidak akan ada lagi nikmat! Semua pihak akan merana, akan dihina oleh orang. Dan UMNO akan habis riwayatnya. Mereka yang betul-betul sayang kepada UMNO akan kutuk pemimpin dan ahli UMNO.
17. Inilah akhirnya musibah yang akan diterima kerana tamak, kerana rasuah di kalangan pemimpin dan ahli UMNO.
Semua ini Tun Mahathir juga jelas dan ketahui krn beliau juga pernah dahului semua ini=) Dah puas dia tengok tetapi semasa dia jadi PM dia tak katakan semua ini kpd kita..
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at October 24, 2008 5:54 PM
1. Saya mendapat banyak laporan berkenaan dengan politik wang dalam UMNO. Demikianlah keadaan sehingga Dato Seri Dr Rais Yatim mencadang secara sinis supaya jawatan-jawatan Majlis Tertinggi ditender. Dato Seri Shahidan Kassim amat marah dan akan tender sebanyak RM1 untuk Rais. Bila makan cili rasa pedas.
2. Saya diberi tahu wang banyak digunakan. Dahulu cuma ketua pemuda bahagian sahaja dapat. Ini menyebabkan pemegang jawatan lain dalam pergerakan enggan bekerjasama. Sekarang semua mendapat sogokan dan hasilnya amat memuaskan bagi penyogok.
3. Ketua-ketua Bahagian dan ahli jawatankuasa juga dijemput ke Kuala Lumpur untuk berjumpa orang tertentu. Mereka di arah supaya mencalonkan orang-orang tertentu untuk Timbalan Presiden, Naib Presiden dan ahli Majlis Tertinggi. Juga pencalonan Ketua Pemuda. Berkesan atau tidak akan kita lihat daripada pencalonan yang dibuat.
4. Tetapi cawangan dan ahli biasa pun sudah pandai. Mereka menawarkan sokongan mereka jika sekian-sekian banyak dihulur.
5. Mereka yang menang boleh jadi Yang Berhormat, ahli Exco, Menteri, Timbalan Menteri, Setiausaha Parlimen, pengerusi syarikat-syarikat Kerajaan dan juga dapat kontrak berjuta Ringgit.
6. Ahli biasa yang memberi sokongan dengan undi mereka dapat apa? Dengan kesedaran akan soal ini maka penyokong dan pengundi pula berpendapat mereka juga harus dapat nikmat daripada pemberian undi mereka. Maka mereka akan menunggu sogokan sebelum memberi undi mereka.
7. Amalan rasuah dalam UMNO di semua peringkat sudah menjadi buah mulut orang ramai. Mereka jelek dan muak dengan UMNO, orang UMNO dan pemimpin UMNO. Perasaan benci kepada UMNO sebagai parti yang tidak bermoral merebak ke merata-rata tempat.
8. Orang ramai melihat UMNO sebagai parti pimpinan orang-orang yang berkepentingan diri semata-mata. Dari cawangan sehinggalah kepada pucuk pimpinan yang diutamakan ialah jawatan dan peluang memain kuasa dan buat duit apabila memegang jawatan.
9. Dalam pilihanraya umum 2004, rakyat memberi sokongan padu kepada BN. Ini adalah kerana rakyat percaya benar yang kepimpinan baru UMNO dan Barisan Nasional akan menjadi lebih baik daripada yang terdahulu.
10. Antara 2004 dengan 2008 mereka dapat lihat pemerintahan Abdullah dengan rasuah yang berleluasa dan keruntuhan ekonomi. Mereka juga lihat peranan yang dimainkan oleh keluarganya dan kroni mereka dan juga sikap ahli-ahli kabinet. Apa yang mereka lihat meyakinkan mereka bahawa pemerintahan ini tidak baik. Hasilnya ialah keputusan pilihanraya ke-12.
11. Mereka kecewa bahawa Abdullah bukan sahaja tidak membetulkan keadaan tetapi sebaliknya menafikan kekalahan dan penolakan oleh pengundi, termasuk yang terdiri daripada ahli-ahli dan penyokong UMNO dan lain-lain parti komponen.
12. Saya percaya orang ramai amat kecewa melihat mainan wang dalam UMNO sekarang. Wang akan mengalir dengan banyak dan laju semasa dan selepas pencalonan. Rumah terbuka oleh kementerian sedang diadakan dengan menggunakan duit Kementerian. Semasa rumah terbuka kempen untuk pencalonan diadakan.
13. Menjelang pemilihan bulan Mac 2009 lebih banyak lagi acara dan sogokan boleh diadakan. Kemuncak akan tiba apabila wakil ke Mesyuarat Agong tiba di Kuala Lumpur untuk bersidang.
14. Kata orang melihat kepada jawatan-jawatan yang dipertandingkan tiap seorang wakil boleh dapat hingga RM20,000.
15. Ada yang berpendapat tidak apa menerima sogokan tetapi tidak semestinya mengundi penyogok. Jangan percaya iman penerima begitu kuat sehingga tidak merasa terhutang budi. Lagipun duit yang diterima adalah duit haram. Yang menerima akan menanggung dosa.
16. Terimalah. Pedulikan jika semua orang tahu. Apa salahnya. Dosa, dosalah. Tetapi seperti disebut di atas apabila pengundi pilihanraya umum sudah benci dan bosan dengan UMNO mereka akan undi parti lawan untuk kalahkan UMNO. Selepas kalah tidak ada lagi jawatan Perdana Menteri, Menteri dan lain-lain. Tidak akan ada lagi kontrak, AP dan lesen.Tidak akan ada lagi nikmat! Semua pihak akan merana, akan dihina oleh orang. Dan UMNO akan habis riwayatnya. Mereka yang betul-betul sayang kepada UMNO akan kutuk pemimpin dan ahli UMNO.
17. Inilah akhirnya musibah yang akan diterima kerana tamak, kerana rasuah di kalangan pemimpin dan ahli UMNO.
Semua ini Tun Mahathir juga jelas dan ketahui krn beliau juga pernah dahului semua ini=) Dah puas dia tengok tetapi semasa dia jadi PM dia tak katakan semua ini kpd kita..
Friday, October 24, 2008
Syed Hamid PEMBOHONG besar Malaysia!!!!!
Syed Hamid ini memang sepatutnya dijemput masuk ISA biarlah dia rasa hukuman yg disokong ini selama ini kan bagus?! Satu hari hanya tdk lebih RM10 ringgit utk makanan, begini lah tdk membazirkan wang=)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bekas Agung pun boleh kena saman?
Hari ini semasa membaca berita saya terkejut bekas Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Ja'afar Tuanku Abdul Rahman bayar Standard Chartered RM3.5 juta ini krn saya baca buku sejarah ia memberitahu saya agung tak boleh dibawa ke mana mahkamah atau didakwa.. Mungkin saya telah salah atau tdk faham dan oleh krn sebab ini semasa mengambil ujian peperiksaan subjek ini gagal memberikan saya markah utk dapat A haha zzz, adakah semasa menjadi agung tak boleh didakwa dan selepas tdk memegang jawatan agung boleh tetapi berita itu kata semasa Standard Chartered dakwa baginda adalah Yg Dipertuan Agung?
Walaubagaimana pun ini membuktikan majlis peguam peguam telah berjaya membawa sedikit arus perubahan utk menjadikan negara kita lebih adil dan saksama.. Memberi imej yg positve kpd pedagang luar negara utk yakin bahawa Malaysia telah tak sama macam dulu selepas kuasa Barisan dikurangkan.. Sistem demokrasi lebih balance maka sitem perundangan juga akan lebih adil dan saksama=)
Tetapi macam mana pula kes Lingam dan Dato Najib?! Dgr kata Ketua Hakim baru selepas in bernama Tan Sri Zaki dan dia adalah kawan baik UMNO zz..
Walaubagaimana pun ini membuktikan majlis peguam peguam telah berjaya membawa sedikit arus perubahan utk menjadikan negara kita lebih adil dan saksama.. Memberi imej yg positve kpd pedagang luar negara utk yakin bahawa Malaysia telah tak sama macam dulu selepas kuasa Barisan dikurangkan.. Sistem demokrasi lebih balance maka sitem perundangan juga akan lebih adil dan saksama=)
Tetapi macam mana pula kes Lingam dan Dato Najib?! Dgr kata Ketua Hakim baru selepas in bernama Tan Sri Zaki dan dia adalah kawan baik UMNO zz..
14 Oct 08 Parlimen
I really love both duo hero in Parlimen YB Kit and YB Anwar bcos what they say is the truth to def our right and justices in Parlimen=)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Copy frm Utusan about whale..
Ikan paus terdampar di pantai
PEKAN 13 Okt. – Penduduk Kampung Kuala Nenasi di sini gempar apabila seekor anak ikan paus yang masih hidup seberat kira-kira tiga tan terdampar di pantai Kuala Sungai Nenasi dekat sini hari ini.
Ikan paus berukuran 10 meter panjang itu dipercayai jenis Fin berdasarkan sirip belakang yang pendek, bukaan mulut yang panjang serta bergaris lurus selari dengan matanya.
Ia dipercayai tersesat daripada ibunya sebelum memasuki perairan Pekan dan terdampar di pantai yang terletak kira-kira 10 kilometer dari zon pendaratan ikan Kuala Sungai Nenasi akibat air surut antara pukul 7 hingga 9 pagi.
Seorang nelayan, Abd. Rahim Sulong, 36, berkata, dia merupakan antara orang pertama menyedari ikan paus berkenaan terdampar di pantai itu selepas terlihat pancutan air setinggi kira-kira dua meter dari sebuah kawasan berdekatan.
Menurutnya, ketika itu dia yang sedang melalui Kuala Sungai Penor untuk menangkap ikan di laut pada pukul 7 pagi apabila terlihat pancutan air yang keluar daripada saluran pernafasan mamalia itu. “Semasa mendekatinya, ikan paus itu tidak dapat berenang sebab paras air cuma pada aras lutut dan ia terlalu cetek untuk ikan itu berenang semula ke laut,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Abd. Rahim berkata, ikan paus itu didapati mengalirkan air mata seolah-olah sedih dan terharu dengan pertolongan orang ramai yang menyimbah air ke badannya sebaik sahaja paras air mula kering di kawasan ia terdampar kira-kira dua jam selepas ditemui.
Menurutnya, keadaan itu juga menyebabkan beberapa kumpulan nelayan di sekitar Kuala Sungai Nenasi bersilih ganti menyimbah air ke badan mamalia tersebut untuk memastikan ia terus hidup sementara menunggu air pasang semula pagi ini.
“Beberapa bahagian kulit ikan paus itu menggelembung akibat sinaran panas matahari dan terdapat beberapa kesan luka disebabkan gelembung yang sudah pecah terutama pada bahagian belakang badannya,” jelasnya.
Sementara itu, seorang lagi nelayan, Faizal Ibrahim, 29, pula berkata, pelbagai usaha dilakukan untuk membawa ikan paus tersebut kembali ke laut namun gagal.
Tambahnya, kira-kira 40 penduduk kampung cuba menolak ikan paus itu ke laut tetapi gagal dan apa yang mampu dilakukan ialah menyimbah air untuk memastikan mamalia itu terus hidup sehingga air pasang semula.
Rakannya, Hussain Othman, 47, pula memberitahu, kejadian itu dimaklumkan kepada Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM) dan Jabatan Perikanan namun tiada tindakan segera diambil untuk menyelamatkan mamalia tersebut.
Jelasnya, beberapa pegawai agensi dan jabatan terbabit sekadar mengambil gambar dan terus pulang tanpa mempeduli atau melakukan sebarang tindakan yang dapat menyelamatkan ikan paus berkenaan.
“Apa yang boleh penduduk kampung lakukan hanyalah menunggu air pasang dan memastikan mamalia itu terus hidup dan sekiranya gagal kami akan ikhtiar cara lain pula,” tegasnya.

See what they report about the LKIM, "Jelasnya, beberapa pegawai agensi dan jabatan terbabit sekadar mengambil gambar dan terus pulang tanpa mempeduli atau melakukan sebarang tindakan yang dapat menyelamatkan ikan paus berkenaan".. I really very sad heard this everyone know I am animal lover=( But what is glad is those fisherman and villager who helping the little whale for those who just standing and capture pic those bastard pls repent la!!!!
If compare to those WHITE country their government even support helicopter and ship to help they whale ad!!! Our government only pandai buy alot alot war ship and war plane saod to stanby in case zzzzz I dunno Malaysia still will having war?! Malaysia peaceful and harmony the percentage of happen war is less but I didnt say impossible but the sea are everwhere suround Malaysia.. Deaf they all? Maybe they dont have the love to animal the only know what is call cruelty why I said like this bcos we always can see how cruel those Majlis Perbandaran kill street and none street dog!!!! Everytime I see they did violence to those dog my self also will feel pain like the dog feel, they not just shoot but they will simply snipering even there alot of neighbouring and passby ppl they dun care just shoot the dog then cekik with rope pull the dog neck and fly over to their bin then kick but sad all process the dog still not die.. Crue heh? dun believe watch urself..this not utusan story made but true!!
Pls pray for the whale.. But for my experience if there no rapidly action the whale will sure die zzz bcos his skin ad start injured even if can bring it back to sea but is hardly heal the injuries then will slowly die zz.. I hope wont happen!!!
PEKAN 13 Okt. – Penduduk Kampung Kuala Nenasi di sini gempar apabila seekor anak ikan paus yang masih hidup seberat kira-kira tiga tan terdampar di pantai Kuala Sungai Nenasi dekat sini hari ini.
Ikan paus berukuran 10 meter panjang itu dipercayai jenis Fin berdasarkan sirip belakang yang pendek, bukaan mulut yang panjang serta bergaris lurus selari dengan matanya.
Ia dipercayai tersesat daripada ibunya sebelum memasuki perairan Pekan dan terdampar di pantai yang terletak kira-kira 10 kilometer dari zon pendaratan ikan Kuala Sungai Nenasi akibat air surut antara pukul 7 hingga 9 pagi.
Seorang nelayan, Abd. Rahim Sulong, 36, berkata, dia merupakan antara orang pertama menyedari ikan paus berkenaan terdampar di pantai itu selepas terlihat pancutan air setinggi kira-kira dua meter dari sebuah kawasan berdekatan.
Menurutnya, ketika itu dia yang sedang melalui Kuala Sungai Penor untuk menangkap ikan di laut pada pukul 7 pagi apabila terlihat pancutan air yang keluar daripada saluran pernafasan mamalia itu. “Semasa mendekatinya, ikan paus itu tidak dapat berenang sebab paras air cuma pada aras lutut dan ia terlalu cetek untuk ikan itu berenang semula ke laut,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Abd. Rahim berkata, ikan paus itu didapati mengalirkan air mata seolah-olah sedih dan terharu dengan pertolongan orang ramai yang menyimbah air ke badannya sebaik sahaja paras air mula kering di kawasan ia terdampar kira-kira dua jam selepas ditemui.
Menurutnya, keadaan itu juga menyebabkan beberapa kumpulan nelayan di sekitar Kuala Sungai Nenasi bersilih ganti menyimbah air ke badan mamalia tersebut untuk memastikan ia terus hidup sementara menunggu air pasang semula pagi ini.
“Beberapa bahagian kulit ikan paus itu menggelembung akibat sinaran panas matahari dan terdapat beberapa kesan luka disebabkan gelembung yang sudah pecah terutama pada bahagian belakang badannya,” jelasnya.
Sementara itu, seorang lagi nelayan, Faizal Ibrahim, 29, pula berkata, pelbagai usaha dilakukan untuk membawa ikan paus tersebut kembali ke laut namun gagal.
Tambahnya, kira-kira 40 penduduk kampung cuba menolak ikan paus itu ke laut tetapi gagal dan apa yang mampu dilakukan ialah menyimbah air untuk memastikan mamalia itu terus hidup sehingga air pasang semula.
Rakannya, Hussain Othman, 47, pula memberitahu, kejadian itu dimaklumkan kepada Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM) dan Jabatan Perikanan namun tiada tindakan segera diambil untuk menyelamatkan mamalia tersebut.
Jelasnya, beberapa pegawai agensi dan jabatan terbabit sekadar mengambil gambar dan terus pulang tanpa mempeduli atau melakukan sebarang tindakan yang dapat menyelamatkan ikan paus berkenaan.
“Apa yang boleh penduduk kampung lakukan hanyalah menunggu air pasang dan memastikan mamalia itu terus hidup dan sekiranya gagal kami akan ikhtiar cara lain pula,” tegasnya.
See what they report about the LKIM, "Jelasnya, beberapa pegawai agensi dan jabatan terbabit sekadar mengambil gambar dan terus pulang tanpa mempeduli atau melakukan sebarang tindakan yang dapat menyelamatkan ikan paus berkenaan".. I really very sad heard this everyone know I am animal lover=( But what is glad is those fisherman and villager who helping the little whale for those who just standing and capture pic those bastard pls repent la!!!!
If compare to those WHITE country their government even support helicopter and ship to help they whale ad!!! Our government only pandai buy alot alot war ship and war plane saod to stanby in case zzzzz I dunno Malaysia still will having war?! Malaysia peaceful and harmony the percentage of happen war is less but I didnt say impossible but the sea are everwhere suround Malaysia.. Deaf they all? Maybe they dont have the love to animal the only know what is call cruelty why I said like this bcos we always can see how cruel those Majlis Perbandaran kill street and none street dog!!!! Everytime I see they did violence to those dog my self also will feel pain like the dog feel, they not just shoot but they will simply snipering even there alot of neighbouring and passby ppl they dun care just shoot the dog then cekik with rope pull the dog neck and fly over to their bin then kick but sad all process the dog still not die.. Crue heh? dun believe watch urself..this not utusan story made but true!!
Pls pray for the whale.. But for my experience if there no rapidly action the whale will sure die zzz bcos his skin ad start injured even if can bring it back to sea but is hardly heal the injuries then will slowly die zz.. I hope wont happen!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Najib for No 1, Mat Taib for No 2
Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today announced he would be contesting the Umno presidency then the ex CM announced he will go to deputy.. Oh no what happen now?
Perebutan kuasa jelas berlaku di UMNO, saudara sekalian adakah anda semua masih ingat rekod Mat Taib pada masa dahulu?! Ini orang juga mahu menjadi PM Malaysia kelak ke?!.. Setiap kali saya tengok dia ini di TV berita, muka beliau memang tak boleh tengok adakah dia macam ini pun mahu jadi DPM?
Hairan kenapa baru baru ini tdk kedengaran ex CM Melaka itu? Jgn jgn Ex CM Tamby Chik yg byk skandal itu juga akan umum keluar bertanding timbalan presiden zz..
Walaupun saya bukan penyokong Barisan ataupun UMNO tetapi saya juga rasa bimbang tentang pemilihan mrk ini, krn itu yg menang bakal menjadi pemimpin negara kita.. Kuasa besar Malaysia masih dlm tangan Barisan saya juga mesti tolong mrk berkempen krn wang politik dlm mrk memang berleluasa..
"Haha saya sokong Tengku Razaleigh jadi Presiden dan Mukhriz jadi Timbalan Presiden"..
Saya menyeru ahli ahli UMNO akan mengundi pemimpin mrk dgn baik naik jgn sokong semata matanya utk wang atau populariti seorang itu, ini krn pemimpin seharusnya seorang yg berkaliber dan berkemampuan utk memimpin negara ini dgn baik.
Entah entah nanti keputusan mengejut keluar Dato Najib PM dan Mat Taib DPM dan manakala Khairy Ketua pemuda UMNO zzz.. Masa itu saya akan "KOk PIak" " (mengetuk dinding)dgn kepala krn masa hadapan kita semua akan sikit sukar utk jalan liao lo..
Perebutan kuasa jelas berlaku di UMNO, saudara sekalian adakah anda semua masih ingat rekod Mat Taib pada masa dahulu?! Ini orang juga mahu menjadi PM Malaysia kelak ke?!.. Setiap kali saya tengok dia ini di TV berita, muka beliau memang tak boleh tengok adakah dia macam ini pun mahu jadi DPM?
Hairan kenapa baru baru ini tdk kedengaran ex CM Melaka itu? Jgn jgn Ex CM Tamby Chik yg byk skandal itu juga akan umum keluar bertanding timbalan presiden zz..
Walaupun saya bukan penyokong Barisan ataupun UMNO tetapi saya juga rasa bimbang tentang pemilihan mrk ini, krn itu yg menang bakal menjadi pemimpin negara kita.. Kuasa besar Malaysia masih dlm tangan Barisan saya juga mesti tolong mrk berkempen krn wang politik dlm mrk memang berleluasa..
"Haha saya sokong Tengku Razaleigh jadi Presiden dan Mukhriz jadi Timbalan Presiden"..
Saya menyeru ahli ahli UMNO akan mengundi pemimpin mrk dgn baik naik jgn sokong semata matanya utk wang atau populariti seorang itu, ini krn pemimpin seharusnya seorang yg berkaliber dan berkemampuan utk memimpin negara ini dgn baik.
Entah entah nanti keputusan mengejut keluar Dato Najib PM dan Mat Taib DPM dan manakala Khairy Ketua pemuda UMNO zzz.. Masa itu saya akan "KOk PIak" " (mengetuk dinding)dgn kepala krn masa hadapan kita semua akan sikit sukar utk jalan liao lo..
Reject People Who Do Not Respect Country's Leaders

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today called on the people to reject any form of unruly behaviour towards the country's leaders.
The deputy prime minister said the government did not want such behaviour to become a norm because it could undermine unity and security of the country.
Citing as example the unruly incident at the Hari Raya open house of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and other Muslim cabinet ministers in Kuala Lumpur last Wednesday, he said such action could cause losses to the country.
"If there are parties with other motives, who don't understand the culture of courtesy, are rude and don't respect the leaders, the people must reject them.
This kind of action cannot become a norm," he said when launching the countdown for the Fei-World Endurance Championship (WEC) 2008 in Gong Badak near here.
Do Najib will continues like his father Razak step?! 916 happen when the time he's father be the 3th PM.. Ha his "colour belang" already seem showing out, massive ISA will be more useful soon as his big weapon!!!
Blogger will also being take action soon to shut up the mouth of rakyat..
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Akhirnya berundur juga Bapa Kejatuhan kita..

Demi menjadi Perdana Menteri lebih beberapa bulan maka sebab itulah PM kita boleh suka hati menangguhkan pemilihan UMNO ke Mac tahun depan=) Sgt gembira akhirnya Bapa Kejatuhan iaitu PM ke-5 itu akan meletak jawatan lebih awal, tetapi zaman kegelapan Malaysia takkan berakhir jika kuasa masih berada ditangan Barisan dan bakal PM Dato Najib itu..
Malangnya nasib kita rakyat Malaysia sentiasa dipermainkan oleh ahli politik yg jahat.. Selamat tinggal Pak Lah dan keluarga sdn bhd harap harap jgn balik lagi ke arena politik Malaysia buat selama lamanya krn tiada orang akan harap Pak Lah menjadi Perdana Menteri lebih satu hari pun dinegara kita kecuali anak mertuanya Khairy dan juga konco konco=P
Dr Mahathir amat gembira setelah mendengari Pak Lah takkan pertahankan jawatan presiden UMNO Mac akan datang=) "saya boleh dukung anda ke syurga saya juga mampu menarik balik kamu ke bumi".. inilah pepatah yg saya fikirkan semasa situasi begini berlaku..
Bye bye Pak Lah=)
Mari kita berdoa dan berkempen utk Tengku Razaleigh menjadi bakal Presiden UMNO krn pada pendapat saya dia memang lebih baik drpd Dato Najib itu..
Laporan Sinar Harian Amat Dikesali
Sinar Harian telah secara salah melaporkan kenyataan saya yang dibuat pada 7hb Oktober di perkarangan Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta. Laporan Sinar Harian tersebut menyatakan bahawa saya percaya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mampu mendapat sokongan yang lebih dalam menguruskan ekonomi dan membersihkan negara ini daripada amalan rasuah.
Ini adalah tidak benar. Laporan tersebut jelas memutar belitkan kenyataan saya yang dibuat pada 7hb Oktober berkenaan proses peralihan kuasa dalam UMNO.
Sebaliknya saya yakin sekiranya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri, negara ini akan terjerumus ke dalam bencana yang besar.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak secara jelas menyatakan beliau sebagai Menteri Kewangan akan meneruskan agenda ekonomi pentadbiran Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Kenyataan beliau bahawa Malaysia tidak akan terkesan dengan perkembangan krisis ekonomi dunia sangat membimbangkan dan mempamerkan kegagalan beliau untuk menangani cabaran yang akan dihadapi oleh negara kita pada masa hadapan.
Beliau juga tidak menunjukkan komitmen untuk memastikan Agenda Perubahan berlaku demi memulihkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap Badan Kehakiman dan bertindak memerangi rasuah. Sedangkan pada Pilihanraya Umum 8 Mac 2008 dan Pilihanraya Kecil Permatang Pauh tempoh hari, rakyat menyuarakan hasrat mereka agar Agenda Perubahan menjadi keutamaan dan direalisasikan dengan segera.
Rakyat Malaysia bimbang di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, undang-undang kuku besi seperti penggunaan ISA akan diteruskan dan sendi-sendi demokratik akan dilumpuhkan.
Selain itu beberapa persoalan yang belum terjawab seperti tuduhan penglibatan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak di dalam komisen yang diperolehi hasil pembelian peralatan tentera dari Perancis dan Russia serta pembunuhan wanita Mongolia; Altantuya Shaariibuu, menggugat serta melemahkan kedudukannya di dalam kerajaan.
Pemimpin sebegini akan mencemarkan reputasi Malaysia di kacamata masyarakat antarabangsa dan sekaligus akan memberikan kesan negatif dalam membentuk tanggapan pelabur-pelabur asing terhadap Malaysia.
Saya mohon agar Sinar Harian segera menyiarkan pembetulan dan lebih bertanggungjawab untuk melaporkan sebarang berita dengan benar dan tepat pada masa hadapan.
Anwar Ibrahim
Ketua Pembangkang
Ketua Umum KeADILan
Ini adalah tidak benar. Laporan tersebut jelas memutar belitkan kenyataan saya yang dibuat pada 7hb Oktober berkenaan proses peralihan kuasa dalam UMNO.
Sebaliknya saya yakin sekiranya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri, negara ini akan terjerumus ke dalam bencana yang besar.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak secara jelas menyatakan beliau sebagai Menteri Kewangan akan meneruskan agenda ekonomi pentadbiran Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Kenyataan beliau bahawa Malaysia tidak akan terkesan dengan perkembangan krisis ekonomi dunia sangat membimbangkan dan mempamerkan kegagalan beliau untuk menangani cabaran yang akan dihadapi oleh negara kita pada masa hadapan.
Beliau juga tidak menunjukkan komitmen untuk memastikan Agenda Perubahan berlaku demi memulihkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap Badan Kehakiman dan bertindak memerangi rasuah. Sedangkan pada Pilihanraya Umum 8 Mac 2008 dan Pilihanraya Kecil Permatang Pauh tempoh hari, rakyat menyuarakan hasrat mereka agar Agenda Perubahan menjadi keutamaan dan direalisasikan dengan segera.
Rakyat Malaysia bimbang di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, undang-undang kuku besi seperti penggunaan ISA akan diteruskan dan sendi-sendi demokratik akan dilumpuhkan.
Selain itu beberapa persoalan yang belum terjawab seperti tuduhan penglibatan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak di dalam komisen yang diperolehi hasil pembelian peralatan tentera dari Perancis dan Russia serta pembunuhan wanita Mongolia; Altantuya Shaariibuu, menggugat serta melemahkan kedudukannya di dalam kerajaan.
Pemimpin sebegini akan mencemarkan reputasi Malaysia di kacamata masyarakat antarabangsa dan sekaligus akan memberikan kesan negatif dalam membentuk tanggapan pelabur-pelabur asing terhadap Malaysia.
Saya mohon agar Sinar Harian segera menyiarkan pembetulan dan lebih bertanggungjawab untuk melaporkan sebarang berita dengan benar dan tepat pada masa hadapan.
Anwar Ibrahim
Ketua Pembangkang
Ketua Umum KeADILan
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Below $90..
I feel suprise and excited when looking the price of crude oil keep falling now drop below $90 per barrel=) But think twice there's not to happy bcos although it already drop till so cheap but our government wont let us buy so cheap petrol it will drop maybe 5 sen or just 10sen only.. Remember last election when the Barisan government failed to protect their 2/3 parliement seat they revenge it back to rakyat with rising the fuel price 70sen?! We noneed listen and care what media interview with those who call themself professional because they have no guts to talk the truth through media they normally are just and utensils..
Now Sharir Ahmad and Pak Lah keep urge everyone to drop their price but who listen them? Inside Barisan ppl also not respect Barisan leader do u thinks those rakyat will listen what Pak Lah talk?! If them Barisan leader are caring us they wont rise the petrol price so high causing everything we purchase also skyrocketing high rise.. The inflation we felt at the 1st is not through pressure frm worldwide or America but through the mismanagement frm our ruling government Barisan!!
I duno why media everyday said that Pak Lah transition to Najib news, the problem wont solve if like this the problem only will solve when transition power between Pakatan and Barisan.. AGree?!
Now Sharir Ahmad and Pak Lah keep urge everyone to drop their price but who listen them? Inside Barisan ppl also not respect Barisan leader do u thinks those rakyat will listen what Pak Lah talk?! If them Barisan leader are caring us they wont rise the petrol price so high causing everything we purchase also skyrocketing high rise.. The inflation we felt at the 1st is not through pressure frm worldwide or America but through the mismanagement frm our ruling government Barisan!!
I duno why media everyday said that Pak Lah transition to Najib news, the problem wont solve if like this the problem only will solve when transition power between Pakatan and Barisan.. AGree?!
Dari Kaca Mata Ali Gostan
I just visit the Kaca Mata Ali Rustam blog and check those comment I dunno why the Melaka chief minister can do such silly acts.. After election he realise the power of blogger then ne try to starting his own blog not only that he also establish every Melaka Barisan assemblymen a blog but most of them after writing introduction then stopping to updating their blog.. Maybe its to difficult or lazy for them to write and sharing bcos all this not their profession=)
Ali Rustam start blogging few days then he realise again there are many many ppl are anti him blog with various of insult and defaming causing he need to close the comment to prevent ppl to comment in his blog with the excuse in media there are ppl hacking his blog but then now he finally open back the comment again but the comment is filter all is praising and greeting him only zz.. Eh Mr CM what the purpose and the meaning for u to blogging? Izzit again a shows in cinema for rakyat?!
Melaka under Barisan conquering really failed to show Competancy, Accountablity and Transparency..
Ali Rustam start blogging few days then he realise again there are many many ppl are anti him blog with various of insult and defaming causing he need to close the comment to prevent ppl to comment in his blog with the excuse in media there are ppl hacking his blog but then now he finally open back the comment again but the comment is filter all is praising and greeting him only zz.. Eh Mr CM what the purpose and the meaning for u to blogging? Izzit again a shows in cinema for rakyat?!
Melaka under Barisan conquering really failed to show Competancy, Accountablity and Transparency..
Monday, October 6, 2008
Menteri Besar and exco earning..
MB's allowance : RM14,175.15
ADUN's allowance: RM 4112.80
Entertainment : RM5,500
Chairman of EXCO: RM4,400
Fixed allowance every month : RM28,187.95
Other perks:
Appointment allowance : RM10,000 (one-off)
Official residence
Furniture allowance : RM5,000 (yearly)
Household staff : real expenses or RM3000 monthly
Free water and electricity
Free telephine services in official residence
2 official car
Driver's expenses all paid for
On top of that, the MB can enjoy a yearly paid holiday:
2 first class air ticket (no limitation to which destination)
(a first class ticket using MAS for KL-LONDON-KL cost RM30,400)
Economy class ticket for 1 officer and 3 children
Living allowance while overseas RM500 daily
Meal allowance RM300 daily or real expenses
Hotel (no limit, according to receipt)
Winter clothing RM3000 (once every 3 years)
For an EXCO, the monthly fixed allowance are around RM15,222. The exco member also enjoy a free holiday once in a term. The maximum is equal to 2 first class ticket for KL-LONDON-KL or RM30,000 cash.
All above no yet add side income ler for those who if corrupted, like example masuk poket komisien (corruption) zzz.. Plus the money corrupted they 1years can at least earn million put in kocek for those who corrupted!!
Normally those pangkat ppl they wont say them corrupted but they will say "komisien la tu" those police take only are corruption=)
I wont believe there's no corruption among them in Barisan like there's is no cat wont eat fish.. A survey check that there's still uprising corruption in Malaysia even seemingly Pak Lah and ACA are working hard.. Its just a movie acting to rakyat to trust in them only=P
ADUN's allowance: RM 4112.80
Entertainment : RM5,500
Chairman of EXCO: RM4,400
Fixed allowance every month : RM28,187.95
Other perks:
Appointment allowance : RM10,000 (one-off)
Official residence
Furniture allowance : RM5,000 (yearly)
Household staff : real expenses or RM3000 monthly
Free water and electricity
Free telephine services in official residence
2 official car
Driver's expenses all paid for
On top of that, the MB can enjoy a yearly paid holiday:
2 first class air ticket (no limitation to which destination)
(a first class ticket using MAS for KL-LONDON-KL cost RM30,400)
Economy class ticket for 1 officer and 3 children
Living allowance while overseas RM500 daily
Meal allowance RM300 daily or real expenses
Hotel (no limit, according to receipt)
Winter clothing RM3000 (once every 3 years)
For an EXCO, the monthly fixed allowance are around RM15,222. The exco member also enjoy a free holiday once in a term. The maximum is equal to 2 first class ticket for KL-LONDON-KL or RM30,000 cash.
All above no yet add side income ler for those who if corrupted, like example masuk poket komisien (corruption) zzz.. Plus the money corrupted they 1years can at least earn million put in kocek for those who corrupted!!
Normally those pangkat ppl they wont say them corrupted but they will say "komisien la tu" those police take only are corruption=)
I wont believe there's no corruption among them in Barisan like there's is no cat wont eat fish.. A survey check that there's still uprising corruption in Malaysia even seemingly Pak Lah and ACA are working hard.. Its just a movie acting to rakyat to trust in them only=P
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Rumah Terbuka?! Penyokong Hindraf dan Rakyat
Menurut berita seperti di UTUSAN entah benar atau tidak laporan ini krn pada masa ini media di Malaysia amat tdk boleh dipercayai=) Semalam semasa rumah terbuka PWTC sempena menyambut Hari Raya sekumpulan penyokong Hindraf tdk sepatutnya bertindak ganas dan melulu tanpa beratur sehingga mencetuskan huru hara buat seketika zzz.. Mrk seharusnya ikut law la, krn walaupun saya tdk berada disitu tetapi saya tahu suasana memang akan menjadi luar kawalan jika sekumpulan bertindak sebegini dan fikirlah bagaimana orang yg beratur sejak awal awal pagi?! Kita seharusnya menghormati semua orang pada masa itu dan bergembira menyambut hari yg bermakna ini bersama sama kawan kawan pelbagai masyarakat..
Hal ini disebabkan kesukaran rakyat berjumpa dgn Perdana Menteri ini zzz!! Sehingga kini saya masih tak akan percaya seorang budak mentah yg kata dia diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar dpt jumpa dgn Timbalan Perdana Menteri dgn senang senang dirumah dia, memang jelas ini adalah bohong..
Situasi juga 2x5 di rumah terbuka Ketua Menteri Melaka suasana juga menjadi huru hara selepas hujan seketika pasukan RELA tdk dpt mengawal suasana selepas orang ramai bertindak ganas melanggar peraturan dgn tanpa beratur dan ganas menuju kehadapan=( Ibu bapa skrg amat lalai menjaga anak mrk krn mrk biarkan anak anak mrk itu disempit dlm situasi yg huru hara bukan sahaja itu ibu bapa yg sedang mendukung bayi juga mahu disempit dalam suasana yg kecoh itu semuanya demi ANG POW bernilai RM5 zzz disebabkan susah cari makan skrg..
Tetapi saya memang tetap sokong mrk pergi ambil wang itu krn ini semua adalah wang rakyat wang kita=)
Syukur tdk ada apa apa yg tak diingini berlaku dlm hari yg bermakna..
Hal ini disebabkan kesukaran rakyat berjumpa dgn Perdana Menteri ini zzz!! Sehingga kini saya masih tak akan percaya seorang budak mentah yg kata dia diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar dpt jumpa dgn Timbalan Perdana Menteri dgn senang senang dirumah dia, memang jelas ini adalah bohong..
Situasi juga 2x5 di rumah terbuka Ketua Menteri Melaka suasana juga menjadi huru hara selepas hujan seketika pasukan RELA tdk dpt mengawal suasana selepas orang ramai bertindak ganas melanggar peraturan dgn tanpa beratur dan ganas menuju kehadapan=( Ibu bapa skrg amat lalai menjaga anak mrk krn mrk biarkan anak anak mrk itu disempit dlm situasi yg huru hara bukan sahaja itu ibu bapa yg sedang mendukung bayi juga mahu disempit dalam suasana yg kecoh itu semuanya demi ANG POW bernilai RM5 zzz disebabkan susah cari makan skrg..
Tetapi saya memang tetap sokong mrk pergi ambil wang itu krn ini semua adalah wang rakyat wang kita=)
Syukur tdk ada apa apa yg tak diingini berlaku dlm hari yg bermakna..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
Dlm rumah dengar kat luar sana bom situ bom sini bom dah tahu Hari Raya telah sampai oleh itu saya salam disini salam selamat menyambut HARI RAYA AIDILFTRI!!!
Semoga anda semua sihat sejahtera dan bergembira sentiasa=P
Semoga anda semua sihat sejahtera dan bergembira sentiasa=P
Monday, September 29, 2008
Over 60% of grassroot in Gerakan, MCA, MIC and over 80% of Sabah/Sarawak parties want to quit BN
The front-page headline in the evening edition of tomorrow’s Chinese newspapers is the speech by the Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon that at least 60 per cent of the grassroots in Gerakan want the party to leave Barisan Nasional (BN) to be “relieved of the heavy emotional burden of BN”.
Speaking at the opening of the Federal Territory (FT) Gerakan Wanita and Youth delegates conference this morning, Koh said the Gerakan Central Committee would undertake a more objective and rational analysis of the “quit BN” sentiments in the party.
I dare say without much fear of contradiction that if given the opportunity to voice out, it is not just over 60 per cent of the grassroots in Gerakan but also over 60 per cent of the membership in MCA and MIC would want their parties to leave Barisan Nasional – and the percentage will be even higher for the Barisan Nasional component parties in Sabah and Sarawak, even exceeding 80%.
This is because the UMNOputra leadership, despite the major blow suffered by UMNO political hegemony in the March 8 general election by a multi-racial and multi-religious Pakatan Rakyat, has proved to be utterly insensitive, blind and deaf to the legitimate aspirations of all Malaysians, including ordinary Malays.
Although the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, had immediately declared after the March 8 “political tsunami” that he had finally heard the message from the voters and would deliver the many reform pledges which he had failed to implement, things have gone from bad to worse with the widening and deepening of the multiple crisis of confidence in the country in the past seven months.
Recent events have highlighted the worsening multiple crisis of confidence on the political, economic, institutional and nation-building fronts like:
• The 2008 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development World Investment Report that Malaysia’s foreign direct investment outflows surpassed inflows last year - outflows surged by 82 per cent from 2006 to RM38 billion compared to inflows of RM29 billion, up 39 per cent. According to HLeBroking Research, foreign investors are exiting the country “at a worrying rate”, totaling RM125 billion for the first half of 2008.
• The plunge in the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index from an all-time high of 1,524 points in January to 1,157 shortly after the March general election, to a two-year low of 963 on September 18.
• The 10-placing plunge in Malaysia’s ranking in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index during the five-year premiership of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from No. 37 in 2003 to No. 47 in 2008;
• The recent gross abuse of the Internal Security Act in the arbitrary arrests of Sin Chew reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng, DAP MP and Senior Exco Teresa Kok (both since released) and blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin and the continued detention of the Hindraf Five and other ISA detainees.
• Malay chauvinism and communalism rearing their ugly heads – evidenced by the emphasis on ketuanan Melayu in direct conflict with the Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia, which should focus on ketuanan rakyat Malaysia and the furore over Ahmad Ismail’s “penumpang” speech at the Permatang Pauh by-election.
With at least 60 per cent of the grassroots in Gerakan wanting to quit BN, is Koh and the Gerakan party leadership going to respect and accept these grassroots sentiments or are they going to ride roughshod over these majority sentiments of the Gerakan grassroots by dismissing them as irrational and emotional?
This is of course a decision which would have to be decided by the Gerakan internally, but Malaysians at large are waiting and watching the outcome of the Gerakan “soul-searching”.
Speech by Lim Kit Siang at the DAP “Abolish ISA” ceramah at Serdang, Selangor on Sunday, 28th September 2008 at 9pm:
Speaking at the opening of the Federal Territory (FT) Gerakan Wanita and Youth delegates conference this morning, Koh said the Gerakan Central Committee would undertake a more objective and rational analysis of the “quit BN” sentiments in the party.
I dare say without much fear of contradiction that if given the opportunity to voice out, it is not just over 60 per cent of the grassroots in Gerakan but also over 60 per cent of the membership in MCA and MIC would want their parties to leave Barisan Nasional – and the percentage will be even higher for the Barisan Nasional component parties in Sabah and Sarawak, even exceeding 80%.
This is because the UMNOputra leadership, despite the major blow suffered by UMNO political hegemony in the March 8 general election by a multi-racial and multi-religious Pakatan Rakyat, has proved to be utterly insensitive, blind and deaf to the legitimate aspirations of all Malaysians, including ordinary Malays.
Although the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, had immediately declared after the March 8 “political tsunami” that he had finally heard the message from the voters and would deliver the many reform pledges which he had failed to implement, things have gone from bad to worse with the widening and deepening of the multiple crisis of confidence in the country in the past seven months.
Recent events have highlighted the worsening multiple crisis of confidence on the political, economic, institutional and nation-building fronts like:
• The 2008 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development World Investment Report that Malaysia’s foreign direct investment outflows surpassed inflows last year - outflows surged by 82 per cent from 2006 to RM38 billion compared to inflows of RM29 billion, up 39 per cent. According to HLeBroking Research, foreign investors are exiting the country “at a worrying rate”, totaling RM125 billion for the first half of 2008.
• The plunge in the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index from an all-time high of 1,524 points in January to 1,157 shortly after the March general election, to a two-year low of 963 on September 18.
• The 10-placing plunge in Malaysia’s ranking in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index during the five-year premiership of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from No. 37 in 2003 to No. 47 in 2008;
• The recent gross abuse of the Internal Security Act in the arbitrary arrests of Sin Chew reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng, DAP MP and Senior Exco Teresa Kok (both since released) and blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin and the continued detention of the Hindraf Five and other ISA detainees.
• Malay chauvinism and communalism rearing their ugly heads – evidenced by the emphasis on ketuanan Melayu in direct conflict with the Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia, which should focus on ketuanan rakyat Malaysia and the furore over Ahmad Ismail’s “penumpang” speech at the Permatang Pauh by-election.
With at least 60 per cent of the grassroots in Gerakan wanting to quit BN, is Koh and the Gerakan party leadership going to respect and accept these grassroots sentiments or are they going to ride roughshod over these majority sentiments of the Gerakan grassroots by dismissing them as irrational and emotional?
This is of course a decision which would have to be decided by the Gerakan internally, but Malaysians at large are waiting and watching the outcome of the Gerakan “soul-searching”.
Speech by Lim Kit Siang at the DAP “Abolish ISA” ceramah at Serdang, Selangor on Sunday, 28th September 2008 at 9pm:
DAP are growing..
Malacca DAP are growing more strong from the support of every ppl regardless what age what religion and what races.. Now DAP Malacca have open many new branches and divison like Bukit Beruang, Durian Tunggal, and Merlimau=)
The new member not only Indians and Chinese but there also a lot of Malays joining and large of them are supporting but some also fear and worry but this is a great move for rakyat bcos mostly rakyat already feel hate and angry about what Barisan have practices all these year by trying to spliting us because they fear when we combine we will be a threat for them..
Today the ceramah when I listen I also feel sad and sympathy to every rakyat in Melaka include me the Barisan government are pouring our rakyat Melaka money like water and the water not little but lot not million but billion ringgit.. Not believe can go check frm the National Auditor report there is somewhere can download but now I still dunno where's the links.. But I sure when those Barisan supporter see they sure will fell very sorry and cry why the votes for Barisan!!!
Mostly projek frm BN are lossed million of ringgit each year but the question why they still so happy and willing throw money to they sea? The only reason i think is there must be someone who wanna masuk few hundred thousand into their poket so they willing causes the states losses hundred of hundred million ringgit.. Bcos the money they spend not them but is frm us no ppl living in Malaysia didnt paid taxes even beggar also paid taxes!!!
We paid taxes everyday in our daily life for example buying a shampoo also have taxes charge frm the manufacture but we didnt see all this the roti canai we eat also have taxes.. Haha dont think only income tax only ma=P So actually they now are wasting our money do u know?!..
Now the problem is alot of ppl are being fooled and cheated by them but they still very happy voting Barisan if they attend any ceramah organise by Pakatan I sure 100% they will vote Pakatan even those Malays who think and feel DAP are 10000% chinese based party also will jump frm UMNO to support DAP too and left only those who being feed till fat fat by Barisan will maintaning support Barisan forever and ever..
The problem now is how the best why to spread all this information and data to every rakyat Melaka but I am sure DAP Melaka will solute this matter soon=)
The new member not only Indians and Chinese but there also a lot of Malays joining and large of them are supporting but some also fear and worry but this is a great move for rakyat bcos mostly rakyat already feel hate and angry about what Barisan have practices all these year by trying to spliting us because they fear when we combine we will be a threat for them..
Today the ceramah when I listen I also feel sad and sympathy to every rakyat in Melaka include me the Barisan government are pouring our rakyat Melaka money like water and the water not little but lot not million but billion ringgit.. Not believe can go check frm the National Auditor report there is somewhere can download but now I still dunno where's the links.. But I sure when those Barisan supporter see they sure will fell very sorry and cry why the votes for Barisan!!!
Mostly projek frm BN are lossed million of ringgit each year but the question why they still so happy and willing throw money to they sea? The only reason i think is there must be someone who wanna masuk few hundred thousand into their poket so they willing causes the states losses hundred of hundred million ringgit.. Bcos the money they spend not them but is frm us no ppl living in Malaysia didnt paid taxes even beggar also paid taxes!!!
We paid taxes everyday in our daily life for example buying a shampoo also have taxes charge frm the manufacture but we didnt see all this the roti canai we eat also have taxes.. Haha dont think only income tax only ma=P So actually they now are wasting our money do u know?!..
Now the problem is alot of ppl are being fooled and cheated by them but they still very happy voting Barisan if they attend any ceramah organise by Pakatan I sure 100% they will vote Pakatan even those Malays who think and feel DAP are 10000% chinese based party also will jump frm UMNO to support DAP too and left only those who being feed till fat fat by Barisan will maintaning support Barisan forever and ever..
The problem now is how the best why to spread all this information and data to every rakyat Melaka but I am sure DAP Melaka will solute this matter soon=)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
More Nation Heroz joining Pakatan=)
FT Gerakan members defect to PKR
PETALING JAYA: More than 20 Federal Territory Gerakan members have defected to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) with “more expected in the coming weeks.”
Former Federal Territory Gerakan information bureau chief Gan Kok Keng said there would be at least 300 members from four divisions joining the opposition party soon.
The divisions involved are the Setiawangsa, Wangsa Maju, Bukit Bintang and Kepong divisions.
Gan, who had been with Gerakan for 24 years, said their desire to leave Gerakan stemmed from the inability of the party to play a meaningful role in Barisan Nasional.
“We have no decision-making powers and have been ignored and insulted many times,” he said.
Gan said what bothered him the most was the belief that the comments of former Bukit Bendera Umno chief Ahmad Ismail was not his own personal opinion but those of the party.
“Gerakan should not be appealing for action to be taken in any scenario but should be asking firmly instead,” he said at a press conference at the PKR headquarters here Sunday.
Also leaving Gerakan for PKR is their former Federal Territories Youth chief Tan Kang Ho, Federal Territories Economic Bureau chief Julian Leong, and Wangsa Maju secretary Azali Omar.
PKR vice-president and Subang Member of Parliament R. Sivarasa said the move by the Gerakan members to join PKR was something that was not easy to do.
“It is brave of them. There was also no offer of money and no discussion about positions in the party,” he said.
Earlier this month, former Segambut MP and Federal Territories Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong also joined PKR.
PETALING JAYA: More than 20 Federal Territory Gerakan members have defected to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) with “more expected in the coming weeks.”
Former Federal Territory Gerakan information bureau chief Gan Kok Keng said there would be at least 300 members from four divisions joining the opposition party soon.
The divisions involved are the Setiawangsa, Wangsa Maju, Bukit Bintang and Kepong divisions.
Gan, who had been with Gerakan for 24 years, said their desire to leave Gerakan stemmed from the inability of the party to play a meaningful role in Barisan Nasional.
“We have no decision-making powers and have been ignored and insulted many times,” he said.
Gan said what bothered him the most was the belief that the comments of former Bukit Bendera Umno chief Ahmad Ismail was not his own personal opinion but those of the party.
“Gerakan should not be appealing for action to be taken in any scenario but should be asking firmly instead,” he said at a press conference at the PKR headquarters here Sunday.
Also leaving Gerakan for PKR is their former Federal Territories Youth chief Tan Kang Ho, Federal Territories Economic Bureau chief Julian Leong, and Wangsa Maju secretary Azali Omar.
PKR vice-president and Subang Member of Parliament R. Sivarasa said the move by the Gerakan members to join PKR was something that was not easy to do.
“It is brave of them. There was also no offer of money and no discussion about positions in the party,” he said.
Earlier this month, former Segambut MP and Federal Territories Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong also joined PKR.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tangguh AGM: Ku Li kata dua pemimpin UMNO itu sifat seperti budak budak!!

Bekas Naib Presiden Umno, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah mengecam keputusan Majlis Tertinggi (MT) parti yang menangguhkan pemilihan sehingga Mac depan dengan menyifatkannya sebagai "permainan kanak-kanak."

Ketua Umno Bahagian Gua Musang itu yang sebelum ini pernah menawarkan diri mencabar Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi bertanding jawatan Presiden berkata, beliau masih kekal dengan pendirian mahu menawarkan kepimpinan alternatif kepada Umno dan negara.
Tengku Razaleigh berkata, beliau tetap akan bertanding tidak kira bila pemilihan Umno diadakan.
"Kini kita sedia maklum bahawa Malaysia mempunyai prasarana bertaraf dunia dan politik negara dunia ketiga dengan pemimpin-pemimpin menjadikan negara sebagai sebuah republik pisang," kata beliau pada sidang media di sini mengulas keputusan mesyuarat khas MT pagi ini.
Tengku Razaleigh yang pernah bertanding jawatan Presiden pada 1987 tetapi tewas di tangan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata:
"Saya fikir saya bercakap untuk negara apabila saya mengatakan bahawa saya rasa malu ekoran permainan kanak-kanak tidak habis-habis oleh dua pemimpin dewasa ketika berhadapan dengan tanggungjawab penting buat negara, tidak sedar soal perundangan, tidak sedar kerosakan yang mereka sebabkan kepada negara."
Kata beliau, berbanding memberikan pelan ekonomi nasional ataupun sebarang bentuk pembaharuan yang lain sejak 8 Mac lalu, kedua-dua pemimpin berkenaan hanya menyediakan "pelan peralihan kuasa" yang bertujuan menyelamatkan mereka daripada berhadapan dengan pemilihan parti.
Tegas bekas Menteri Kewangan itu, tindakan menangguhkan perhimpunan agung dan pemilihan menunjukkan parti meneruskan ketidaktentuan iklim politik dan memberikan ruang kepada pembangkang 'menyerang' kerajaan.
Beliau merujuk kedua-dua pemimpin berkenaan sebagai Abdullah dan timbalannya, Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak.
Dengan itu kata beliau, mereka hanya mengutamakan kepentingan kerjaya politik masing-masing berbanding nasib negara khususnya ketika era yang penuh mencabar ini.
Petikan dari MStar
Ini PM dan DPM entah mahu mempermainkan negara kita sampai bila zz.. Bukan sahaja Pak Lah kena undur tetapi Tok Najib juga perlu undur dari politik tanah air kita!!
Nak tengok muka si khairy tu selepas ayahanda dia tdk menjadi PM adakah boleh menjadi begitu angkuh?!! Konon dulu dia sombong hingga sering berkata dgn orang bahawa dia akan menjadi PM dlm umur 40 zzz mimpi.. haha=)
Umno akan menjadi releven selepas Tengku Razaleigh menjadi Presiden bersama Ketua Pemuda Mukhriz memimpin UMNO baru dan seterusnya tendang pemimpin pemimpin seperti Pak Lah, Najib, Syed Hamid, Muhammad Taib, Khairy, Hishammudin, Ali Rustam dan konco konco.. Maka selepas itu Malaysia akan menjadi satu negara yg aman makmur, bersih dan cerah masa hadapan semua rakyatnya.. Pada masa itu saya akan sama menyokong UMNO memimpin kita tetapi ini hanya setakat mimpi sahaja yg jahat dan kuat rasuah masih kuat takkan ditendang juga=(
Baru baru ini index gejala rasuah negara kita masih meningkat walaupun konon Pak Lah dan pegawai BPR nampaknya sedang bertungkus lumus membanteras pegawai yg korup ini semuanya hanya lakonan semata matanya utk menipu kita utk balik menyokong mrk zzz...
Yg org kuat dan tinggi pangkat itu masih sedang rasuah berleluasa manakala org yg dijatuh hukuman hanyalah kerdil dan ubi ubi kecil..
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Petrol Exporter country Citizen buying petrol more Expensive!!!???
Last month government only lowered RM0.15 a liter of petrol then with the excuse because they giving us rebate so cant lower much the price for us then now world crude oil already fall below $100 and even reach $91 but again government trying to fooling us this time are just RM0.10 lower the petrol price..
Those Economy, Politic analyst and Professor in what M M M university all can go back farm because they analyst government will lower the price about RM0.30 per liter when I read in newspaper, when the time i read it make me laugh will our beloved government under Barisan ruling will treat us so good?! So I said that its impossible its more possible that Pakatan Anwar can take over the government rather Barisan Nasional can lower the petrol price for every rakyat sake!!!
Pecat all those name themself analyst and professor let me be the prof and teach them to be their mentor and also kick those unrelevent newspaper and reading my blog better!!! All comment and news now we see are like shit zzz..
Again I wanna say our Pak Lah really weak ;p
Those Economy, Politic analyst and Professor in what M M M university all can go back farm because they analyst government will lower the price about RM0.30 per liter when I read in newspaper, when the time i read it make me laugh will our beloved government under Barisan ruling will treat us so good?! So I said that its impossible its more possible that Pakatan Anwar can take over the government rather Barisan Nasional can lower the petrol price for every rakyat sake!!!
Pecat all those name themself analyst and professor let me be the prof and teach them to be their mentor and also kick those unrelevent newspaper and reading my blog better!!! All comment and news now we see are like shit zzz..
Again I wanna say our Pak Lah really weak ;p
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
“What’s Tunku doing in DAP?”

“Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim raised many eyebrows, not least from associates, when he joined DAP in August and was promptly named a vice-president of the party. The co-founder of the Malaysian chapter of Transparency International has no intention of being a token Malay presence in the multi-racial but Chinese-dominated party. He has found a new platform in the DAP to advocate transparency, accountability, justice and equality.
“The Edge Financial Daily caught up with him recently where he spoke about the challenges facing the DAP, especially in reaching out to the Malay community, what ails the country, the spirit of the nation’s founding fathers and his plans in the party. While many would have rested on their laurels at age 74, Tunku Aziz, a former Bank Negara adviser and former group director of Sime Darby, has the enthusiasm of a young man, and is all geared up to help push the ideal of creating a better Malaysia. ”
Read The Edge Daily
Click the link for more detail=)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Multi languages? Bilingual?
Its always my wish to see that Democratic Action Party to be improve so that they can be a more effective and efficient party.. So I really hope that when DAP organise their ceramah they can have a translator beside them to translate in the future for the convinient of all races attending=)
The speaker normally will speak mandarin and hokkien, sometimes the speaker also need to talk in mandarin 1st after that finishing it in Bahasa Malaysia again.. And the message sometimes are different and also I feel its hard for those Malays and Indians to understand too..
So if can in the future, maybe DAP can try arrange a translator beside the speaker and when the speaker talk in mandarin then the translator are translating it in Bahasa Malaysia no matter there's or none multi races in the crowded..
It wont bring much difficulty and problem because many Christian talks and seminars are practising this ways for quite sometimes ago=)
Why?! Normally DAP ceramah in Melaka its very rare to see others races except Chinese that in the crowded, normally there are some faithful Indians and few Malays only.. They mostly are feel blur blur and without any idea of what the speaker talking about but they really have the heart to support and hope to see the change in our country=)
DAP always trying to persuade ppl that we are multiracial party but there's still alot of ppl not understand so dont let ppl thought that DAP are for Chinese only and also this ways let them know we are really respecting them and honour them..
The speaker normally will speak mandarin and hokkien, sometimes the speaker also need to talk in mandarin 1st after that finishing it in Bahasa Malaysia again.. And the message sometimes are different and also I feel its hard for those Malays and Indians to understand too..
So if can in the future, maybe DAP can try arrange a translator beside the speaker and when the speaker talk in mandarin then the translator are translating it in Bahasa Malaysia no matter there's or none multi races in the crowded..
It wont bring much difficulty and problem because many Christian talks and seminars are practising this ways for quite sometimes ago=)
Why?! Normally DAP ceramah in Melaka its very rare to see others races except Chinese that in the crowded, normally there are some faithful Indians and few Malays only.. They mostly are feel blur blur and without any idea of what the speaker talking about but they really have the heart to support and hope to see the change in our country=)
DAP always trying to persuade ppl that we are multiracial party but there's still alot of ppl not understand so dont let ppl thought that DAP are for Chinese only and also this ways let them know we are really respecting them and honour them..
Friday, September 19, 2008
Teresa Kok release.. No choices
After so much pressure frm every corner finally they need release Teresa zzz..
Our PDRM catch our rakyat put in jail after a week then only start investigating call those witness to have statement..
Police again and again misuse authority under the commanding of someone!!!
1. Police using ISA without permission of government and catch a reporter who report the truth.. After facing alot of criticised and pressure frm public, citizen and others country finally they release the reported by simply said that the wanna protect the reporter bcos they being inform they might have ppl going to harm her(reporter) that why they catch him put in lockup bcos much safer... If really like this izzit the home of our beloved Prime Minister and his deputy are inside the police station cell?
2. How is Ahmad Ismail issue of condemning that chinese are just immigrant in this country? Without the heart of sorry he walk out and telling media he will be back and he will nvr apologise..
Ok, Umno telling what Ahmad act is not what they Umno intention and decision but why at the press conference after ahmad being suspend the person sitting beside of him is Tengku Adnan? Do u know who is Tengku Adnan? Secretary-General of UMNO.. Why he sit beside of Ahmad press conference?! Ahmad although being suspend 3 years but he also can return back become the HERO and advisor of his branch at penang he also will gain back the authority he have like before..
Izzit this call fair and justices? Suppose he's the 1 should put under ISA arrest, but not him the reporter should be blame of writing the truth!! Umno ppl are immune to ISA?
All the Umno branches in penang together support the Ahmad of not apologise and the leaders of the branches are our PM zz.. Weak?
And now to show that our weakness of leaders, at early stage of this issue our PM and DPM already said sorry and apologised of what the Ahmad did and they help him said sorry but after the Gerakan who hoping can gain popularity back in this issue burn this issue into more hot situation..
Thwy urge why PM should apologised? Where's the person who responsible? Again PM stand telling media "we cant find him(Ahmad) even he himself as a Prime Minister also cant find him " after more pressure provoke by Gerakan Koh Tsu koon finally the person who missing a period of time Ahmad finally appear out and said he will not apologise he no wromgs.. Again PM and his DPM will and decision being objected and ignored by theirs own members=)
Recently Ahmad Said who's MB of Terrenganu the issue of Mercedes Benz again slap the mouth of PM and DPM because DPM tell us even he himself also support Malaysia made car the proton perdanas, so why a little MB need to using Benz?!.. Weakness of PM and DPM finally they agreed to let him drive the Benz because the using their states money to buy zz..
I not yet mention more early of this issue is choosing PM beloved and King beloved.. After general election we can see various weakness of our PM and DPM appear because they are not able to control and manage the country well..
Coincidence both of this who named themself hero name are Ahmad, different Said and Ismail behind.. Because of weak now whenever PM visiting Sabah or Sarawak he sure need to gift million of million ringgit of country money as sweet to shut the mouth of them for a while but we all wonder how come PM can simply take out they money?! Normally all this money should be assign well in RMK or what we call Malaysia Budget..
There still alot alot of weakness we can see have time share next time.. We can analyst all this in news but the most important dont trust the news frm Utusan Malaysia because all new the publish is fake and wrong just for the purpose to faming up BN and defaming whoever oppose BN.. Cuci Kaki what we say=)
But if as references we can go to take a look what they publish sometimes we will really excited what they write because its like the sci fiction karangan theirs writer all very good at karangan.. Made create story they No.1 but I wonder why they dont 1 publish story book since the so great in this area..
Said NO to Utusan Malaysia news!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
SAPP pulls out of Barisan.. Wise decisions
Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) today has decided to pull out of Barisan Nasional to become an independent party.
The party's deputy chief Datuk Raymond Tan said he would resign as deputy chief minister and state minister within the next 24 hours. He added that he is not quitting the party as of now.
Tan walked out of the meeting on Wednesday saying he disagrees with the party's decision. He added that Elopura assemblyman Au Kam Wah has quit the party.
Great news for rakyat!!! Now every where I go everyone around me are criticised the weakness and the corruption of Barisan Nasional ruling=)
I dunno why many rakyat now wanna change the federal government but at the election the didnt vote for opposition?! Large of them not voters or the dont dare to oppose the government?! Now are the time that everyone of us, citizen of Malaysia really stand up to voices that we wanna change the government that really care rakyat and humble..
The party's deputy chief Datuk Raymond Tan said he would resign as deputy chief minister and state minister within the next 24 hours. He added that he is not quitting the party as of now.
Tan walked out of the meeting on Wednesday saying he disagrees with the party's decision. He added that Elopura assemblyman Au Kam Wah has quit the party.
Great news for rakyat!!! Now every where I go everyone around me are criticised the weakness and the corruption of Barisan Nasional ruling=)
I dunno why many rakyat now wanna change the federal government but at the election the didnt vote for opposition?! Large of them not voters or the dont dare to oppose the government?! Now are the time that everyone of us, citizen of Malaysia really stand up to voices that we wanna change the government that really care rakyat and humble..
Candlelight vigils to free Teresa, Abolish ISA' Campaign
The DAP will be having candlelight vigils nationwide to demonstrate our solidarity with YB Teresa Kok, Raja Petra Kamarudin, the Hindraf 5 and all those currently detained under the ISA.
The DAP has also launched an online petition at and a campaign website at Do check this website for details of other campaign activities being held in support of this campaign.

Pls show our support to abolish ISA evilness!!!
Tens of thousand singing Negaraku together as Bangsa Malaysia at Stadium Kelana Jaya on the eve of 916, Malaysia Day and as solidarity for those detaineed under ISA.
The DAP has also launched an online petition at and a campaign website at Do check this website for details of other campaign activities being held in support of this campaign.

Pls show our support to abolish ISA evilness!!!
Tens of thousand singing Negaraku together as Bangsa Malaysia at Stadium Kelana Jaya on the eve of 916, Malaysia Day and as solidarity for those detaineed under ISA.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kenyataan Media Pakatan Rakyat 16 September 2008
Hari ini rakyat Malaysia menyambut Hari Malaysia- hari di mana negara kita menjadi satu dan rakyatnya bersatu. Hari ini mempunyai makna baru. Selepas bertahun berjuang, melawan sistem yang dilanda dan mengabaikan prinsip keadilan- kita sekarang berada diambang kemenangan. Hasrat kita untuk membina semula negara dan menyatu padukan rakyat Malaysia sebagaimana yang dicita-citakan oleh pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan sudah semakin dekat.
Keadaan ekonomi yang merudum jatuh dengan kadar pengangguran dan inflasi yang tinggi telah menyebabkan rasa tidak puas hati rakyat yang meluap-luap. Hubungan antara kaum menjadi tegang, diburukkan lagi dengan propaganda oleh media yang dikawal oleh kerajaan. Pentadbiran sekarang gagal untuk menawarkan jawapan buat negara kita keluar dari kedudukan sukar ini.
Pakatan Rakyat yakin dapat menyelamatkan Malaysia dari masalah ekonomi dan politik berbaur perkauman. Kami akan melaksanakannya secara bertanggungajwab, menuruti prinsip undang-undang dan tidak akan sama sekali menjejaskan keselamatan dan kestabilan negara dan rakyat negara ini.
Pakatan Rakyat kini memiliki majoriti yang selesa untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan baru yang stabil. Kerajaan baru yang mencerminkan masyarakat Malaysia yang majmuk.
Jesteru itu kami ingin duduk semeja dengan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Badawi untuk melaksanakan peralihan kuasa secara bertanggungjawab, lancar dan aman. Hasrat ini telah kami sampaikan kepada Perdana Menteri melalui surat yang dikirimkan jam 2.30 petang semalam.
Dengan mandat ini kami bertekad untuk melaksanakan peralihan kuasa yang aman. Kami tidak ingin berulangnya peristiwa yang berlaku sewaktu mengambil alih kuasa di negeri Perak dan Selangor, di mana dokumen milik kerajaan negeri di lupuskan oleh pentadbiran terdahulu.
Kami mengingatkan kepada elemen radikal di dalam Barisan Nasional agar tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa serta menahan para penyokong Pakatan Rakyat. Penyiasatan yang dibuat secara tergesa-gesa oleh BPR terhadap Dato Seri Yong Teck Lee selepas mengumumkan akan membuat undi tidak percaya terhadap Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi merupakan di antara taktik yang kita tolak. Penggunaan ISA terhadap Ahli Parlimen Teresa Kok merupakan contoh untuk menghalang perubahan dengan tidak mengikut lunas-lunas perundangan.
Jesteru itu kami ingin duduk semeja dengan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Badawi untuk melaksanakan peralihan kuasa secara bertanggungjawab, lancar dan aman. Hasrat ini telah kami sampaikan kepada Perdana Menteri melalui surat yang dikirimkan jam 2.30 petang semalam dan kami menuntut beliau memberi perhatian terhadap beberapa perkara seperti berikut :
1) Agar Barisan Nasional tidak menghalang ahli parlimennya dari bertindak menurut suara hati mereka, hak yang dijamin undang-undang serta keputusan yang mereka buat tanpa paksaan.
2) BN tidak boleh menggunakan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri untuk menahan ahli parlimen yang berhasrat untuk menyertai Pakatan Rakyat atau ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat yang berjumlah 82 itu.
3) Kerajaan BN tidak seharusnya menggunakan kuasa darurat, kuasa polis, atau menggantung perlembagaan mahupun membubarkan parlimen di dalam usaha mereka untuk menghalang Pakatan Rakyat dari berkuasa.
4) Dan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional tidak membuat sekatan jalan raya dan menghalang ahli parlimen, dari memasuki parlimen dan juga institusi-institusi kerajaan lainnya.
Kami yakin Perdana Menteri berkongsi keperihatinan yang sama terutamanya berkenaan kebajikan rakyat dan keselamatan negara. Kami percaya beliau akan memastikan Barisan Nasional bertindak mengikut perlembagaan dan prinsip-prinsip demokratik demi memastikan peralihan kuasa yang aman, serta tiada tindakan sabotaj untuk menghalang hasrat rakyat ataupun menggunakan retorik berbaur perkauman.
Kami menyeru masyarakat di semua lapisan agar memahami hasrat kami semata-mata untuk kebaikan negara ini. Saya juga ingin mengingatkan media massa jangan lagi berada di dalam penafian dengan meneruskan propaganda bahawa kami berbohong. Kita sekarang berada dalam era baru maka saya menyeru media massa meninggalkan tabiat lama dan mengambil iltizam untuk meningkatkan professionalisme kewartawanan.
Selepas pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri, kami berhasrat untuk meneruskan gerak kerja kami sebagaimana yang digariskan oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan di dalam kami membentuk kerajaan baru dengan perkenan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.
Ketua Pembangkang
Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Hari ini rakyat Malaysia menyambut Hari Malaysia- hari di mana negara kita menjadi satu dan rakyatnya bersatu. Hari ini mempunyai makna baru. Selepas bertahun berjuang, melawan sistem yang dilanda dan mengabaikan prinsip keadilan- kita sekarang berada diambang kemenangan. Hasrat kita untuk membina semula negara dan menyatu padukan rakyat Malaysia sebagaimana yang dicita-citakan oleh pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan sudah semakin dekat.
Keadaan ekonomi yang merudum jatuh dengan kadar pengangguran dan inflasi yang tinggi telah menyebabkan rasa tidak puas hati rakyat yang meluap-luap. Hubungan antara kaum menjadi tegang, diburukkan lagi dengan propaganda oleh media yang dikawal oleh kerajaan. Pentadbiran sekarang gagal untuk menawarkan jawapan buat negara kita keluar dari kedudukan sukar ini.
Pakatan Rakyat yakin dapat menyelamatkan Malaysia dari masalah ekonomi dan politik berbaur perkauman. Kami akan melaksanakannya secara bertanggungajwab, menuruti prinsip undang-undang dan tidak akan sama sekali menjejaskan keselamatan dan kestabilan negara dan rakyat negara ini.
Pakatan Rakyat kini memiliki majoriti yang selesa untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan baru yang stabil. Kerajaan baru yang mencerminkan masyarakat Malaysia yang majmuk.
Jesteru itu kami ingin duduk semeja dengan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Badawi untuk melaksanakan peralihan kuasa secara bertanggungjawab, lancar dan aman. Hasrat ini telah kami sampaikan kepada Perdana Menteri melalui surat yang dikirimkan jam 2.30 petang semalam.
Dengan mandat ini kami bertekad untuk melaksanakan peralihan kuasa yang aman. Kami tidak ingin berulangnya peristiwa yang berlaku sewaktu mengambil alih kuasa di negeri Perak dan Selangor, di mana dokumen milik kerajaan negeri di lupuskan oleh pentadbiran terdahulu.
Kami mengingatkan kepada elemen radikal di dalam Barisan Nasional agar tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa serta menahan para penyokong Pakatan Rakyat. Penyiasatan yang dibuat secara tergesa-gesa oleh BPR terhadap Dato Seri Yong Teck Lee selepas mengumumkan akan membuat undi tidak percaya terhadap Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi merupakan di antara taktik yang kita tolak. Penggunaan ISA terhadap Ahli Parlimen Teresa Kok merupakan contoh untuk menghalang perubahan dengan tidak mengikut lunas-lunas perundangan.
Jesteru itu kami ingin duduk semeja dengan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Badawi untuk melaksanakan peralihan kuasa secara bertanggungjawab, lancar dan aman. Hasrat ini telah kami sampaikan kepada Perdana Menteri melalui surat yang dikirimkan jam 2.30 petang semalam dan kami menuntut beliau memberi perhatian terhadap beberapa perkara seperti berikut :
1) Agar Barisan Nasional tidak menghalang ahli parlimennya dari bertindak menurut suara hati mereka, hak yang dijamin undang-undang serta keputusan yang mereka buat tanpa paksaan.
2) BN tidak boleh menggunakan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri untuk menahan ahli parlimen yang berhasrat untuk menyertai Pakatan Rakyat atau ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat yang berjumlah 82 itu.
3) Kerajaan BN tidak seharusnya menggunakan kuasa darurat, kuasa polis, atau menggantung perlembagaan mahupun membubarkan parlimen di dalam usaha mereka untuk menghalang Pakatan Rakyat dari berkuasa.
4) Dan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional tidak membuat sekatan jalan raya dan menghalang ahli parlimen, dari memasuki parlimen dan juga institusi-institusi kerajaan lainnya.
Kami yakin Perdana Menteri berkongsi keperihatinan yang sama terutamanya berkenaan kebajikan rakyat dan keselamatan negara. Kami percaya beliau akan memastikan Barisan Nasional bertindak mengikut perlembagaan dan prinsip-prinsip demokratik demi memastikan peralihan kuasa yang aman, serta tiada tindakan sabotaj untuk menghalang hasrat rakyat ataupun menggunakan retorik berbaur perkauman.
Kami menyeru masyarakat di semua lapisan agar memahami hasrat kami semata-mata untuk kebaikan negara ini. Saya juga ingin mengingatkan media massa jangan lagi berada di dalam penafian dengan meneruskan propaganda bahawa kami berbohong. Kita sekarang berada dalam era baru maka saya menyeru media massa meninggalkan tabiat lama dan mengambil iltizam untuk meningkatkan professionalisme kewartawanan.
Selepas pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri, kami berhasrat untuk meneruskan gerak kerja kami sebagaimana yang digariskan oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan di dalam kami membentuk kerajaan baru dengan perkenan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.
Ketua Pembangkang
Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Abolish Internal Security Acts (ISA) cruelty
We must need have a fair and justice law system in Malaysia.. We are democratic and educated country leh..
For more information
Umno izzit immune to ISA?! How come umno has just only suspended Bukit Bendera division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail from the party for three years over his alleged racist comments?! But the reporter of Sin Chew Daily who said report the truth being detained ISA? Why dont detain Utusan reporter?
Zzz oh hamid oh hamid zzz
For more information
Umno izzit immune to ISA?! How come umno has just only suspended Bukit Bendera division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail from the party for three years over his alleged racist comments?! But the reporter of Sin Chew Daily who said report the truth being detained ISA? Why dont detain Utusan reporter?
Zzz oh hamid oh hamid zzz
Friday, September 12, 2008
ISA again ISA..
Raja Petra, Teresa Kok, Sin Chew reporter arrested under ISA today!!

DAP's Teresa Kok is the latest to be arrested under Section 73 (1) if the ISA Friday. Kok, who is Seputeh MP and also assemblyman for Kinrara, was arrested at 11.20pm Friday.
Deputy IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar confirmed Kok's arrest.
Earlier, Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested from her home in Taman Permai in Bukit Mertajam at 8.40pm Friday.
Family members said they were told that she would be taken to the Bandar Perda police station in Seberang Jaya.
Ismail Omar said was also arrested under Section 73 (1) of the ISA.
Tan, who is Mass Communications graduate from Universiti Sains Malaysia, has been a journalist for nine years.
She had reported on former Bukit Bendera division Umno chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail's alleged racist remarks while campaigning for the Permatang Pauh by-election.
The arrest comes on the same day that Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin was detained, also under the ISA.

The one of the most strong weapon using by our government is ISA zz!! Good.. arrest more!!! Time to show that we dont need ISA..
DAP's Teresa Kok is the latest to be arrested under Section 73 (1) if the ISA Friday. Kok, who is Seputeh MP and also assemblyman for Kinrara, was arrested at 11.20pm Friday.
Deputy IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar confirmed Kok's arrest.
Earlier, Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested from her home in Taman Permai in Bukit Mertajam at 8.40pm Friday.
Family members said they were told that she would be taken to the Bandar Perda police station in Seberang Jaya.
Ismail Omar said was also arrested under Section 73 (1) of the ISA.
Tan, who is Mass Communications graduate from Universiti Sains Malaysia, has been a journalist for nine years.
She had reported on former Bukit Bendera division Umno chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail's alleged racist remarks while campaigning for the Permatang Pauh by-election.
The arrest comes on the same day that Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin was detained, also under the ISA.

The one of the most strong weapon using by our government is ISA zz!! Good.. arrest more!!! Time to show that we dont need ISA..
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
3 years only
Umno has suspended Bukit Bendera division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail from the party for three years over his alleged racist comments.
He has been stripped of his division chief post and all its rights as a member. Thus, he cannot vote in the coming party elections, cannot contest for posts and will not be able to attend the Umno general assembly during the three-year period.
The suspension is effective immediately.
He said he will coming back.. Why just only 3 years?! Why he no need to face the ISA that our government always love use? If like this better just abolish ISA=)
Together we live as Malaysian we need to tolerate each other.. This case we must treat its seriously if not people will treat us(chinese) really are squatter and immigrant in this country because if we see those comment of those commenter at our beloved Tun Mahathir blog we will feel very sad.. No matter what issue about racist I post sure I will be classified as a racist too zz=(
Again I pray everyone living in Malaysia pls be harmony and love each others.. Dont differentiated what colour we are or what beliefs we are because we are in a family a big family sometimes there's misunderstanding but soon matter will be solve even a small family also have quarelling.. I hope this topic will be close forever and our country can growth and our economic will boost=)
He has been stripped of his division chief post and all its rights as a member. Thus, he cannot vote in the coming party elections, cannot contest for posts and will not be able to attend the Umno general assembly during the three-year period.
The suspension is effective immediately.
He said he will coming back.. Why just only 3 years?! Why he no need to face the ISA that our government always love use? If like this better just abolish ISA=)
Together we live as Malaysian we need to tolerate each other.. This case we must treat its seriously if not people will treat us(chinese) really are squatter and immigrant in this country because if we see those comment of those commenter at our beloved Tun Mahathir blog we will feel very sad.. No matter what issue about racist I post sure I will be classified as a racist too zz=(
Again I pray everyone living in Malaysia pls be harmony and love each others.. Dont differentiated what colour we are or what beliefs we are because we are in a family a big family sometimes there's misunderstanding but soon matter will be solve even a small family also have quarelling.. I hope this topic will be close forever and our country can growth and our economic will boost=)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Gerakan may quit Barisan
KUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan will leave Barisan Nasional if it cannot play a "meaningful role" within the coalition, said acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.
The party is now reviewing its role in Barisan, he said, just a day after he had declared Gerakan had no intention of quitting the coalition.
But that declaration had been tempered with the caution that Barisan must change to cope with the political reality and move away from race-based politics.
“Look at our symbol. The dacing (scales) stand for equality and fairness. We must go back to our original spirit,” he had said.
Dr Koh had also earlier warned that Barisan may reach a “point of no return” if racist remarks and anti-social behaviour continued to tarnish its image, implicitly referring to Umno Bukit Bendera division chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s alleged racist statements.
Ahmad was reported to have described Malaysian-Chinese as immigrants and squatters. He has denied the reports, saying journalists had quoted him out of context.
He has also refused to apologise for the alleged remarks, citing support from the 13 Umno divisions in Penang, and demanded that Dr Koh and Chinese community leaders apologise to him for asking him to express regret.
Ahmad also said that he was sure MCA would garner unanimous support from the Chinese if Gerakan broke away from Barisan, which saw Dr Koh accusing him of "trying to drive a wedge" between Gerakan and MCA.
Sunday September 7, 2008 MYT 2:49:02 PM The Star
The party is now reviewing its role in Barisan, he said, just a day after he had declared Gerakan had no intention of quitting the coalition.
But that declaration had been tempered with the caution that Barisan must change to cope with the political reality and move away from race-based politics.
“Look at our symbol. The dacing (scales) stand for equality and fairness. We must go back to our original spirit,” he had said.
Dr Koh had also earlier warned that Barisan may reach a “point of no return” if racist remarks and anti-social behaviour continued to tarnish its image, implicitly referring to Umno Bukit Bendera division chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s alleged racist statements.
Ahmad was reported to have described Malaysian-Chinese as immigrants and squatters. He has denied the reports, saying journalists had quoted him out of context.
He has also refused to apologise for the alleged remarks, citing support from the 13 Umno divisions in Penang, and demanded that Dr Koh and Chinese community leaders apologise to him for asking him to express regret.
Ahmad also said that he was sure MCA would garner unanimous support from the Chinese if Gerakan broke away from Barisan, which saw Dr Koh accusing him of "trying to drive a wedge" between Gerakan and MCA.
Sunday September 7, 2008 MYT 2:49:02 PM The Star
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ahmad refuses to apologise
GEORGE TOWN: Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail has refused to apologise over his alleged racist remark calling the Chinese community “immigrants who do not deserve equal rights”.
“Why should I apologise? I didn’t do anything wrong. Those who do wrong should apologise but I haven’t done anything,” Ahmad said, when met outside his Bayan Baru office Thursday.
He, however, refused to comment on whether the press misquoted him.
He said a full statement on what transpired would be released after a Penang Umno Liaison meeting on Saturday. He added that he would not say much at present, but wanted to clear up the issue of reporting to the police.
Police are currently investigating five reports lodged against Ahmad under the Sedition Act 1948 for allegedly uttering the seditious remarks at a ceramah on the eve of the Permatang Pauh by-election.
“Some press are saying that they were informed that I was going to the Bukit Mertajam police station on Wednesday night (to make a statement), but I want to make it clear that I never told anyone or informed anyone that I would be there. It was their assumption,” he added.
Ahmad recorded a statement with the police at the police contingent headquarters in Penang Road about 10pm Wednesday while pressmen from television, online and print media were waiting for him on the mainland.
Asked where he had been over the last few days, Ahmad confirmed that he had been leading a sepak takraw team to a tournament in Bangkok.
“My phone has been on and off, but a lot of my anak buah (supporters) have been calling me, so maybe that’s why it has been hard to get through,” he said.
On the alleged misappropriation of funds involving now-defunct company Popular Profile Sdn Bhd (PPSB), Ahmad said he had resigned before any action was taken on the company.
“This issue has nothing to do with me. Action is taken on a company, not on a personal capacity. Moreover, I resigned from company on 1 Sept 1998. What happened after that, I don’t know.
“The Chief Minister (Lim Guan Eng) shouldn’t be using his political muscle and power to attack me,” he said, adding that he would not say more on the land deal until he had checked the details.
Lim had recently attacked Ahmad on a 1997 land deal involving PPSB, in which Ahmad had been a director. Lim alleged that the company had cheated the state out of RM500,000 in a deal involving 4.2ha of industrial land in Bukit Minyak.
Thursday September 4, 2008 The Star
Why Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister apologise behalf on him?! zzz..
“Why should I apologise? I didn’t do anything wrong. Those who do wrong should apologise but I haven’t done anything,” Ahmad said, when met outside his Bayan Baru office Thursday.
He, however, refused to comment on whether the press misquoted him.
He said a full statement on what transpired would be released after a Penang Umno Liaison meeting on Saturday. He added that he would not say much at present, but wanted to clear up the issue of reporting to the police.
Police are currently investigating five reports lodged against Ahmad under the Sedition Act 1948 for allegedly uttering the seditious remarks at a ceramah on the eve of the Permatang Pauh by-election.
“Some press are saying that they were informed that I was going to the Bukit Mertajam police station on Wednesday night (to make a statement), but I want to make it clear that I never told anyone or informed anyone that I would be there. It was their assumption,” he added.
Ahmad recorded a statement with the police at the police contingent headquarters in Penang Road about 10pm Wednesday while pressmen from television, online and print media were waiting for him on the mainland.
Asked where he had been over the last few days, Ahmad confirmed that he had been leading a sepak takraw team to a tournament in Bangkok.
“My phone has been on and off, but a lot of my anak buah (supporters) have been calling me, so maybe that’s why it has been hard to get through,” he said.
On the alleged misappropriation of funds involving now-defunct company Popular Profile Sdn Bhd (PPSB), Ahmad said he had resigned before any action was taken on the company.
“This issue has nothing to do with me. Action is taken on a company, not on a personal capacity. Moreover, I resigned from company on 1 Sept 1998. What happened after that, I don’t know.
“The Chief Minister (Lim Guan Eng) shouldn’t be using his political muscle and power to attack me,” he said, adding that he would not say more on the land deal until he had checked the details.
Lim had recently attacked Ahmad on a 1997 land deal involving PPSB, in which Ahmad had been a director. Lim alleged that the company had cheated the state out of RM500,000 in a deal involving 4.2ha of industrial land in Bukit Minyak.
Thursday September 4, 2008 The Star
Why Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister apologise behalf on him?! zzz..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Again sentiment isu?!
Honestly UMNO leader many are over racist, extremist and arrogance.. No matter how Chinese and Indians did there will always being treated as "pendatang" in this country by those UMNO leaders.. Izzit UMNO at the past example when at my father time they wins is because of using racist issue to wins?! Until past now forever they sure will using this isu to defaming those non bumis.. izzit so popular?
I agree Malaysia nowadays still have alot alot of racist and extremist but mostly of them are living at 100%kampung.. Nowadays world are modern and advanced human also need to be advance too at the past really no matter where we live in the world the racist smell are very heavy in every races and every corner of earth but now all of race of ppl can living together the best example is USA they even can accept a black guy to be theirs Prime Minister so why our government who lead by UMNO always using the sentiment isu?! All of us need to protect and praise our races but izzit good we defame others races to uphold or lifted us to the high?! We Malaysian Chinese and Indians need to uphold Malay then Malays also need to uphold Chinese and Indians so that we together can cooperate like a family to lifted Malaysia to becoming the model and modern country in the world for every contry and natonal to learn from us..
That why those Malay who living in city or who get better educated and wise they can differentied what is right what is wrong they will not easily fall in the plot of UMNO racist isu.. So everytime I very gladly friendly and happy when mixed with those Malay frens who are very open minded.. I so happy and proud of them because they are not stupid till can trusted what UMNO said are always correct, if at those very abbadon kampung kampung they sure will believe that and be more hatred towards others races.. Thank you them so much for giving support and treated us like brother and sister=)
Izzit by just telling sorry can we forgive the ketua bahagian UMNO Ahmad Ismail who recently defaming chinese by saying that we are pendatang zzz when in the by election campaign.. To win they by election UMNO willing to said watever defaming word which can harm our harmonies relations.. Again a hint prove that why UMNO lose big in that by election.. Umno nvr lose any by election in our history but the Permatang Pauh is the 1st time Malaysia broke the record because we all didnt trust anymore the UMNO lead goverment.. Barisan should not let go Ahmad Ismail so easily for his actions until now we didnt heard any apology frm him only we heard apology from Pak Lah and Najib.. He have no heart to apologise because I think in his heart he feeling he is np wrong if tommorow he come out apologises izzit mean he feel sorry?! no..
I hope we can get best and fair solution in this case..
I agree Malaysia nowadays still have alot alot of racist and extremist but mostly of them are living at 100%kampung.. Nowadays world are modern and advanced human also need to be advance too at the past really no matter where we live in the world the racist smell are very heavy in every races and every corner of earth but now all of race of ppl can living together the best example is USA they even can accept a black guy to be theirs Prime Minister so why our government who lead by UMNO always using the sentiment isu?! All of us need to protect and praise our races but izzit good we defame others races to uphold or lifted us to the high?! We Malaysian Chinese and Indians need to uphold Malay then Malays also need to uphold Chinese and Indians so that we together can cooperate like a family to lifted Malaysia to becoming the model and modern country in the world for every contry and natonal to learn from us..
That why those Malay who living in city or who get better educated and wise they can differentied what is right what is wrong they will not easily fall in the plot of UMNO racist isu.. So everytime I very gladly friendly and happy when mixed with those Malay frens who are very open minded.. I so happy and proud of them because they are not stupid till can trusted what UMNO said are always correct, if at those very abbadon kampung kampung they sure will believe that and be more hatred towards others races.. Thank you them so much for giving support and treated us like brother and sister=)
Izzit by just telling sorry can we forgive the ketua bahagian UMNO Ahmad Ismail who recently defaming chinese by saying that we are pendatang zzz when in the by election campaign.. To win they by election UMNO willing to said watever defaming word which can harm our harmonies relations.. Again a hint prove that why UMNO lose big in that by election.. Umno nvr lose any by election in our history but the Permatang Pauh is the 1st time Malaysia broke the record because we all didnt trust anymore the UMNO lead goverment.. Barisan should not let go Ahmad Ismail so easily for his actions until now we didnt heard any apology frm him only we heard apology from Pak Lah and Najib.. He have no heart to apologise because I think in his heart he feeling he is np wrong if tommorow he come out apologises izzit mean he feel sorry?! no..
I hope we can get best and fair solution in this case..
Public holiday on Sept 16: Barisan man backs it
Malaysia Day or Sept 16 should be declared a national holiday, Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said.
The day was an important part of the nation’s history as it marked the formation of Malaysia in 1963 and should be remembered by all citizens, he said on Tuesday in response to the proposal by the five Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states that are considering declaring Sept 16 a holiday from next year onwards.
“I think the time has come for the Federal Government to reconsider the issue as it has been brought up previously but no decision was made on it,” said Dompok, the Parti Upko president.
Upko, like many other Sabah political parties, have been calling for due recognition to be given to Sept 16 as it marks the day when Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak formed the Federation of Malaysia. Singapore left the Federation in 1965.
Sabah observes a public holiday on Sept 16 in conjunction with the Yang DiPertua Negeri’s birthday.

I really agree Merdeka Days for those Sarawakians and Sabahans should be at Sept 16 because that day only are the real historic day for them and for Malaysia if following the history of both state.. August 31 is they Merdeka day for peninsular Malaysia that time but not for those Sarawak and Sabah=) Too be fair either 31 August is for P. Malaysia then Sept 16 for Sarawak and Sabah but too complicated the best solution is Malaysia will get another extra public holidays every years both the day also holidays!!
Only the worst is more holiday will causing Malaysian be more lazy and our country have already alot of public holidays..
The day was an important part of the nation’s history as it marked the formation of Malaysia in 1963 and should be remembered by all citizens, he said on Tuesday in response to the proposal by the five Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states that are considering declaring Sept 16 a holiday from next year onwards.
“I think the time has come for the Federal Government to reconsider the issue as it has been brought up previously but no decision was made on it,” said Dompok, the Parti Upko president.
Upko, like many other Sabah political parties, have been calling for due recognition to be given to Sept 16 as it marks the day when Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak formed the Federation of Malaysia. Singapore left the Federation in 1965.
Sabah observes a public holiday on Sept 16 in conjunction with the Yang DiPertua Negeri’s birthday.

I really agree Merdeka Days for those Sarawakians and Sabahans should be at Sept 16 because that day only are the real historic day for them and for Malaysia if following the history of both state.. August 31 is they Merdeka day for peninsular Malaysia that time but not for those Sarawak and Sabah=) Too be fair either 31 August is for P. Malaysia then Sept 16 for Sarawak and Sabah but too complicated the best solution is Malaysia will get another extra public holidays every years both the day also holidays!!
Only the worst is more holiday will causing Malaysian be more lazy and our country have already alot of public holidays..
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Highlights of Budget 2009
Enhancing Health Services
* Excise duty specific on cigarettes increased by three sen from 15 sen per stick to 18 sen per stick. With this, the duty for a 20-stick pack of cigarettes is now increased by 60 sen.
Social Safety Net
* Eligibility criteria for welfare assistance under the Welfare Department, increased from a monthly household income of RM400 to RM720 for Peninsular Malaysia, RM830 for Sarawak and RM960 for Sabah.
* Government pensioners who had served at least 25 years upon retirement, will receive a pension of not less than RM720 per month, effective Jan 1 2009.
* The Government will now also set up a Special fund of RM25mil set up to channel financial assistance to victims of calamities such as floods and fire.
Eradicating Poverty
* Programmes to enhance income, as well as provide skills and career development training under the Skim Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat to be continued. In addition, Program Lonjakan Mega Luar Bandar is being implemented in Pulau Banggi, Sabah and Tanjung Gahai, in Kuala Lipis, Pahang.
* In 2009, RM50mil is allocated to build 1,400 new houses and repair 1,000 houses under the Housing Assistance Programme. Priority will be given to senior citizens, the disabled and single parents with many dependents as well as victims of natural disasters.
* RM580mil and RM420mil allocated for Sabah and Sarawak respectively to increase income and enhance quality of life of Malaysians there by improving basic amenities, such as electricity, water and rural roads.
* Households which incur monthly electricity bills of RM20 or less, will not have to pay for electricity, for the period from 1 October 2008 to end of 2009.
* The current tax rebate of RM350 per person be increased to RM400 for those with taxable income of RM35,000 and below.
* All interest income from savings for individuals be tax exempt.
* Reduce import duties on various consumer durables from between 10% and 60% to between 5% and 30%. These include blender, rice cooker, microwave oven and electric kettle.
Full import duty exemption on several food items, which currently attract import duties of between 2% and 20%. These include vermicelli, biscuits, fruit juices and canned sweet corn.
* Reduce the road tax on private passenger vehicles with diesel engines to be the same as those with petrol engines, effective 1 September 2008.
Enhancing The Welfare Of Employees
* Travel allowance for commuting to work provided by employers be given full tax deduction, while the employees receiving such an allowance be given tax exemption of up to RM2,400 per year.
* Tax exemption be given to employees on:
- Interest subsidies on housing, motor vehicles and education loans. The tax exemption will be limited to total loans up to RM300,000;
- Mobile phones, as well as telephone and internet bills paid by the employer;
- Staff discounts of up to RM1,000 a year on company traded goods;
- Staff discounts on services rendered by the company, such as private schools providing free education to children of their employees; and
- Childcare allowance of up to RM2,400 per year.
* Tax exemption on medical benefits provided by employers to include expenses on maternity and traditional medicine, namely acupuncture and ayurvedic.
* Effective Jan 1 2009, civil servants with a monthly household income of RM3,000 eligible for a subsidy of RM180 per month.
Improving Public Transportation
* A sum of RM35bil will be expended during the period 2009 to 2014 to improve public transportation.
* The existing LRT system in the Klang Valley will be extended by 30km, that is 15km respectively, for Kelana Jaya and Ampang lines. Upon completion in 2011, the extensions are expected to benefit 2.6 million residents in the Subang Jaya-USJ and Kinrara-Puchong areas, compared with 1.9 million currently.
* A new LRT line will be built along a 42km route from Kota Damansara to Cheras; to be completed in 2014.
* The commuter rail services of Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) will be upgraded. Rehabilitation works are being undertaken on the existing 20 Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) and are expected to be completed in 2009. An additional 13 new units of EMUs will be acquired and be operational by 2011.
* To reduce the operating costs of public transport operators:
- government will provide a soft loan facility of RM3bil under the Public Transportation Fund, administered by Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB), to finance the acquisition of buses and rail assets; and
- reduce toll charges by 50% for all buses, except at border entry points, namely Johor Causeway, Second Link and Bukit Kayu Hitam, for a period of two years, effective Sept 15 2008.
* Road tax will also be reduce to RM20 a year for all bus, taxi, car rental and limousine operators.
Food Security
* Sum of RM5.6bil is provided under the National Food Security Policy, for the period 2008 to 2010. This allocation is to provide incentives to agriculture entrepreneurs to reduce production costs and encourage higher agriculture output.
* RM300mil allocated to increase fish landings. Of this, RM180mil is in the form of cost of living allowance to fishermen and fishing boat owners, as well as RM120mil as incentive for fish landings.
* RM1bil allocation as incentives for 220,000 padi farmers throughout the country to increase padi production.
Generating Income Through Micro Credit
* RM160mil allocated to provide better education opportunities as well as improve health and basic amenities for the Orang Asli.
* A monthly allowance of RM150 to disabled who are unable to work. In addition, the monthly allowance for disabled students in special education schools, will also be increased from RM50 to RM150, while teaching assistants in these schools will be provided incentive payments of RM200 per month.
* In 2009, an allocation of RM330mil is provided to Jabatan Perumahan Negara to complete 4,400 units of Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Disewa, 1,500 units of PPR Bersepadu and 600 units of PPR Dimiliki. In addition, Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad will build 33,000 low cost houses.
* For civil servants, tenure of new housing loans extended from 25 years to 30 years. They will also be provided housing loan facility for renovation works on houses not purchased through Government housing loan.
* For medium cost houses of up to RM250,000, a 50% stamp duty exemption is extended to the loan agreement on top of the 50% stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer.
* For companies contributing to charitable institutions, the limit of tax deduction be increased from 7% to 10% of aggregate income.
Improving Public Amenities
* Allocation of RM3bil to intensify efforts to further develop Sabah and Sarawak for infrastructure projects, including 266 km of federal and rural roads, benefiting more than 550,000 residents.
* An allocation of RM3.3bil is provided for Sarawak to implement various projects, including the construction of 230 km of federal and rural roads, benefiting more than 350,000 residents.
Second Strategy: Developing Quality Human Capital
* A sum of RM70mil is allocated in 2009 to train 5,600 nurses in training colleges under the Ministry of Health, with 2,000 in recognised private training colleges.
* To meet the need for new schools and replace dilapidated schools, 110 primary and 181 secondary schools will be built. In addition, to ensure that existing schools are well maintained, an allocation of RM615mil is provided.
* RM14.1bil to improve quality of learning at institutions of higher learning. Of this, RM8bil is for Operating Expenditure for public institutions of higher learning, RM627mil for polytechnics and community colleges as well as RM37mil for the Malaysian Qualification Agency.
Culture of Excellence
* The highest marginal tax rate for individuals be reduced from 28% to 27%, effective the year of assessment 2009. In addition, the marginal tax rate of 13% will also be reduced to 12%, which will benefit the middle income group.
* Recruitment costs, such as payments to employment agencies and participation in job fairs, be tax deductible.
Third Strategy: Strengthening The Nation’s Resilience
* To encourage private sector activities, tax treatment on group relief be enhanced by allowing losses for the purpose of offsetting be increased from 50% to 70%.
* An additional RM300mil under the Strategic Investment Fund to further strengthen private investment in Iskandar Malaysia.
Promoting Tourism
* New investments by 4-star and 5-star hotel operators in Sabah and Sarawak be given Pioneer Status with 100% income tax exemption or Investment Tax Allowance of 100% for 5 years.
* RM50mil for conservation works of heritage sites in Malacca and Penang to support activities undertaken by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and private sector.
Promoting Venture Capital Companies
* Venture capital companies that invest at least 30% of their funds in start-up, early stage financing or seed capital be eligible for a 5-year tax exemption.
Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises
* All SME assets in the form of plant and machinery acquired in the years of assessment 2009 and 2010 be given Accelerated Capital Allowance to be claimed within one year. In addition, SMEs are allowed to claim full Capital Allowance on all small value assets within one year.
National Energy Plan
* Exemption of import duty and sales tax on solar photovoltaic system equipment, import duty and sales tax on intermediate goods such as High Efficiency Motors and insulation materials; sales tax on locally manufactured solar heating system equipment; sales tax on locally manufactured energy efficient consumers goods such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, lightings, fans and televisions; and 100% import duty and 50% excise duty on new hybrid CBU cars, with engine capacity below 2,000 cc, be given to franchise importers. This exemption is given for a period of two years to prepare for the local assembly of such cars.
Towards A Vibrant Capital Market
* Tax exemption be given on fees received by domestic intermediaries, which successfully list foreign companies and foreign investment products in Bursa Malaysia. This measure will also enable domestic investors to acquire shares of foreign companies listed in the local exchange.
* Current tax rate on dividends received by foreign institutional investors from Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) be reduced from 20% to 10%. Recognising that REITs is an attractive investment product for individuals as well, the Government also proposes a reduction in tax rate from 15% to 10%.
Ensuring Public Safety
* RM5.4bil is allocated in the 2009 Budget to enhance the capacity of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). Of this, RM4.8bil is for Operating Expenditure and RM600mil for Development Expenditure.
* RM220mil is allocated in 2009 for the construction of police headquarters and stations nationwide.
* For the period 2008 to 2010, a total of 22,800 constables and 3,000 inspectors will be recruited. In addition, the special incentive allowance for PDRM personnel will be increased from RM100 to RM200 monthly, effective Jan 1 2009.
* All business premises installed with security control equipment be given Accelerated Capital Allowance, which is fully claimable within one year.
Civil Service
* A bonus of one-month salary, subject to a minimum of RM1,000 for 2008. The bonus will be paid in two instalments, namely in September and December 2008.
I expect that government will rise the tax of cigarettes and alchohol but no because I hate smokers and drinker haha.. Overall it doesnt bring me any suprise or feel that how can helping our daily life to ease some burden but admit for the road tax I can save a bit but I wonder how can a hse using just only RM20 its impossibe bcos it means less than 97kwh a month 0.218 old price..
Nowadays hse already change to new digital meter not the past analog meter zz my hse recently just convert by TNB new digital meter than I can feel the precision, accuracy and consumption of my new meter which is always blinkung the red light..
My hse 2 ppl stay I survey with close everything need electricity include light, TV, astro, water heater, aircond only left 1 fridge, water pump for aquarium and 2 fan 3light at night only noon no ppl at home.. Then what I survey is a hse with minimal usage electricity also need 8kwh per day about RM50 a month.. Better dont help ppl if really like this RM20 if whose hse now electricity only RM20 sure TNB will go their hse check here and there and change a new digital la MR Prime Minister!!!zz hai..
Pak Lah u only help those minority problem and thing that doesnt affect us majority for example like me didnt feel anything that can ease our burden to facing nowadays inflation.. I didnt expect you can help us much but I hope you really can help us ease little little burden like what u boast through media few day ago telling Budget 2009 will focus to rakyat more plus because BN keep lose then they need to help ppl to gain back their support but no everything that prove at the fact it is not..
Pakar Pakar di mana mana University dan ahli analisis politik semua balik rumah tidurlah tiap tiap kali kata semua itu adalah bukan kenyataan ataupun mungkin berlaku hanya pandai lagak kat televisyen ingat sgt pakar zzz... Tolong buat sedikit perubahan utk Malaysia sikit dah cukup seperti minyak petrol turun lebih beberapa sen agar para peniaga akan turun harga mrk krn saya tdk nampak ada siapa yg telah turun harga disekitar saya semasa makan nasi campur zz..
* Excise duty specific on cigarettes increased by three sen from 15 sen per stick to 18 sen per stick. With this, the duty for a 20-stick pack of cigarettes is now increased by 60 sen.
Social Safety Net
* Eligibility criteria for welfare assistance under the Welfare Department, increased from a monthly household income of RM400 to RM720 for Peninsular Malaysia, RM830 for Sarawak and RM960 for Sabah.
* Government pensioners who had served at least 25 years upon retirement, will receive a pension of not less than RM720 per month, effective Jan 1 2009.
* The Government will now also set up a Special fund of RM25mil set up to channel financial assistance to victims of calamities such as floods and fire.
Eradicating Poverty
* Programmes to enhance income, as well as provide skills and career development training under the Skim Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat to be continued. In addition, Program Lonjakan Mega Luar Bandar is being implemented in Pulau Banggi, Sabah and Tanjung Gahai, in Kuala Lipis, Pahang.
* In 2009, RM50mil is allocated to build 1,400 new houses and repair 1,000 houses under the Housing Assistance Programme. Priority will be given to senior citizens, the disabled and single parents with many dependents as well as victims of natural disasters.
* RM580mil and RM420mil allocated for Sabah and Sarawak respectively to increase income and enhance quality of life of Malaysians there by improving basic amenities, such as electricity, water and rural roads.
* Households which incur monthly electricity bills of RM20 or less, will not have to pay for electricity, for the period from 1 October 2008 to end of 2009.
* The current tax rebate of RM350 per person be increased to RM400 for those with taxable income of RM35,000 and below.
* All interest income from savings for individuals be tax exempt.
* Reduce import duties on various consumer durables from between 10% and 60% to between 5% and 30%. These include blender, rice cooker, microwave oven and electric kettle.
Full import duty exemption on several food items, which currently attract import duties of between 2% and 20%. These include vermicelli, biscuits, fruit juices and canned sweet corn.
* Reduce the road tax on private passenger vehicles with diesel engines to be the same as those with petrol engines, effective 1 September 2008.
Enhancing The Welfare Of Employees
* Travel allowance for commuting to work provided by employers be given full tax deduction, while the employees receiving such an allowance be given tax exemption of up to RM2,400 per year.
* Tax exemption be given to employees on:
- Interest subsidies on housing, motor vehicles and education loans. The tax exemption will be limited to total loans up to RM300,000;
- Mobile phones, as well as telephone and internet bills paid by the employer;
- Staff discounts of up to RM1,000 a year on company traded goods;
- Staff discounts on services rendered by the company, such as private schools providing free education to children of their employees; and
- Childcare allowance of up to RM2,400 per year.
* Tax exemption on medical benefits provided by employers to include expenses on maternity and traditional medicine, namely acupuncture and ayurvedic.
* Effective Jan 1 2009, civil servants with a monthly household income of RM3,000 eligible for a subsidy of RM180 per month.
Improving Public Transportation
* A sum of RM35bil will be expended during the period 2009 to 2014 to improve public transportation.
* The existing LRT system in the Klang Valley will be extended by 30km, that is 15km respectively, for Kelana Jaya and Ampang lines. Upon completion in 2011, the extensions are expected to benefit 2.6 million residents in the Subang Jaya-USJ and Kinrara-Puchong areas, compared with 1.9 million currently.
* A new LRT line will be built along a 42km route from Kota Damansara to Cheras; to be completed in 2014.
* The commuter rail services of Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) will be upgraded. Rehabilitation works are being undertaken on the existing 20 Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) and are expected to be completed in 2009. An additional 13 new units of EMUs will be acquired and be operational by 2011.
* To reduce the operating costs of public transport operators:
- government will provide a soft loan facility of RM3bil under the Public Transportation Fund, administered by Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB), to finance the acquisition of buses and rail assets; and
- reduce toll charges by 50% for all buses, except at border entry points, namely Johor Causeway, Second Link and Bukit Kayu Hitam, for a period of two years, effective Sept 15 2008.
* Road tax will also be reduce to RM20 a year for all bus, taxi, car rental and limousine operators.
Food Security
* Sum of RM5.6bil is provided under the National Food Security Policy, for the period 2008 to 2010. This allocation is to provide incentives to agriculture entrepreneurs to reduce production costs and encourage higher agriculture output.
* RM300mil allocated to increase fish landings. Of this, RM180mil is in the form of cost of living allowance to fishermen and fishing boat owners, as well as RM120mil as incentive for fish landings.
* RM1bil allocation as incentives for 220,000 padi farmers throughout the country to increase padi production.
Generating Income Through Micro Credit
* RM160mil allocated to provide better education opportunities as well as improve health and basic amenities for the Orang Asli.
* A monthly allowance of RM150 to disabled who are unable to work. In addition, the monthly allowance for disabled students in special education schools, will also be increased from RM50 to RM150, while teaching assistants in these schools will be provided incentive payments of RM200 per month.
* In 2009, an allocation of RM330mil is provided to Jabatan Perumahan Negara to complete 4,400 units of Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Disewa, 1,500 units of PPR Bersepadu and 600 units of PPR Dimiliki. In addition, Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad will build 33,000 low cost houses.
* For civil servants, tenure of new housing loans extended from 25 years to 30 years. They will also be provided housing loan facility for renovation works on houses not purchased through Government housing loan.
* For medium cost houses of up to RM250,000, a 50% stamp duty exemption is extended to the loan agreement on top of the 50% stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer.
* For companies contributing to charitable institutions, the limit of tax deduction be increased from 7% to 10% of aggregate income.
Improving Public Amenities
* Allocation of RM3bil to intensify efforts to further develop Sabah and Sarawak for infrastructure projects, including 266 km of federal and rural roads, benefiting more than 550,000 residents.
* An allocation of RM3.3bil is provided for Sarawak to implement various projects, including the construction of 230 km of federal and rural roads, benefiting more than 350,000 residents.
Second Strategy: Developing Quality Human Capital
* A sum of RM70mil is allocated in 2009 to train 5,600 nurses in training colleges under the Ministry of Health, with 2,000 in recognised private training colleges.
* To meet the need for new schools and replace dilapidated schools, 110 primary and 181 secondary schools will be built. In addition, to ensure that existing schools are well maintained, an allocation of RM615mil is provided.
* RM14.1bil to improve quality of learning at institutions of higher learning. Of this, RM8bil is for Operating Expenditure for public institutions of higher learning, RM627mil for polytechnics and community colleges as well as RM37mil for the Malaysian Qualification Agency.
Culture of Excellence
* The highest marginal tax rate for individuals be reduced from 28% to 27%, effective the year of assessment 2009. In addition, the marginal tax rate of 13% will also be reduced to 12%, which will benefit the middle income group.
* Recruitment costs, such as payments to employment agencies and participation in job fairs, be tax deductible.
Third Strategy: Strengthening The Nation’s Resilience
* To encourage private sector activities, tax treatment on group relief be enhanced by allowing losses for the purpose of offsetting be increased from 50% to 70%.
* An additional RM300mil under the Strategic Investment Fund to further strengthen private investment in Iskandar Malaysia.
Promoting Tourism
* New investments by 4-star and 5-star hotel operators in Sabah and Sarawak be given Pioneer Status with 100% income tax exemption or Investment Tax Allowance of 100% for 5 years.
* RM50mil for conservation works of heritage sites in Malacca and Penang to support activities undertaken by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and private sector.
Promoting Venture Capital Companies
* Venture capital companies that invest at least 30% of their funds in start-up, early stage financing or seed capital be eligible for a 5-year tax exemption.
Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises
* All SME assets in the form of plant and machinery acquired in the years of assessment 2009 and 2010 be given Accelerated Capital Allowance to be claimed within one year. In addition, SMEs are allowed to claim full Capital Allowance on all small value assets within one year.
National Energy Plan
* Exemption of import duty and sales tax on solar photovoltaic system equipment, import duty and sales tax on intermediate goods such as High Efficiency Motors and insulation materials; sales tax on locally manufactured solar heating system equipment; sales tax on locally manufactured energy efficient consumers goods such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, lightings, fans and televisions; and 100% import duty and 50% excise duty on new hybrid CBU cars, with engine capacity below 2,000 cc, be given to franchise importers. This exemption is given for a period of two years to prepare for the local assembly of such cars.
Towards A Vibrant Capital Market
* Tax exemption be given on fees received by domestic intermediaries, which successfully list foreign companies and foreign investment products in Bursa Malaysia. This measure will also enable domestic investors to acquire shares of foreign companies listed in the local exchange.
* Current tax rate on dividends received by foreign institutional investors from Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) be reduced from 20% to 10%. Recognising that REITs is an attractive investment product for individuals as well, the Government also proposes a reduction in tax rate from 15% to 10%.
Ensuring Public Safety
* RM5.4bil is allocated in the 2009 Budget to enhance the capacity of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). Of this, RM4.8bil is for Operating Expenditure and RM600mil for Development Expenditure.
* RM220mil is allocated in 2009 for the construction of police headquarters and stations nationwide.
* For the period 2008 to 2010, a total of 22,800 constables and 3,000 inspectors will be recruited. In addition, the special incentive allowance for PDRM personnel will be increased from RM100 to RM200 monthly, effective Jan 1 2009.
* All business premises installed with security control equipment be given Accelerated Capital Allowance, which is fully claimable within one year.
Civil Service
* A bonus of one-month salary, subject to a minimum of RM1,000 for 2008. The bonus will be paid in two instalments, namely in September and December 2008.
I expect that government will rise the tax of cigarettes and alchohol but no because I hate smokers and drinker haha.. Overall it doesnt bring me any suprise or feel that how can helping our daily life to ease some burden but admit for the road tax I can save a bit but I wonder how can a hse using just only RM20 its impossibe bcos it means less than 97kwh a month 0.218 old price..
Nowadays hse already change to new digital meter not the past analog meter zz my hse recently just convert by TNB new digital meter than I can feel the precision, accuracy and consumption of my new meter which is always blinkung the red light..
My hse 2 ppl stay I survey with close everything need electricity include light, TV, astro, water heater, aircond only left 1 fridge, water pump for aquarium and 2 fan 3light at night only noon no ppl at home.. Then what I survey is a hse with minimal usage electricity also need 8kwh per day about RM50 a month.. Better dont help ppl if really like this RM20 if whose hse now electricity only RM20 sure TNB will go their hse check here and there and change a new digital la MR Prime Minister!!!zz hai..
Pak Lah u only help those minority problem and thing that doesnt affect us majority for example like me didnt feel anything that can ease our burden to facing nowadays inflation.. I didnt expect you can help us much but I hope you really can help us ease little little burden like what u boast through media few day ago telling Budget 2009 will focus to rakyat more plus because BN keep lose then they need to help ppl to gain back their support but no everything that prove at the fact it is not..
Pakar Pakar di mana mana University dan ahli analisis politik semua balik rumah tidurlah tiap tiap kali kata semua itu adalah bukan kenyataan ataupun mungkin berlaku hanya pandai lagak kat televisyen ingat sgt pakar zzz... Tolong buat sedikit perubahan utk Malaysia sikit dah cukup seperti minyak petrol turun lebih beberapa sen agar para peniaga akan turun harga mrk krn saya tdk nampak ada siapa yg telah turun harga disekitar saya semasa makan nasi campur zz..
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